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SIBullets...I couldn't disagree more strongly.

Did Governor Palin perform poorly during her interview with the cutlass swinging Couric? Yes indeed. She did poorly. But, in my estimation, she performed admirably otherwise.

Governor Palin has the ability to connect directly with the public without the need for the media. This quality of her scares the gee willikers out of the left along with some snobby Republican pundits. They absolutely do not want the Republican party to be the first to bring a woman like Governor Palin to victory as a presidential candidate.

Remember J.C.Watts? A very smart and respected black Republican from Oklahoma who could have, had he chosen to, made a run for president. Being a conservative it would have been interesting to see how his pioneering candidacy would have been handled by the media.

My point is that there have been good minority candidates in the Republican party, but they know better than anyone how they will be treated by the media as a conservative. They will be treated poorly from the very beginning. How do you overcome this prejudice? By connecting with people directly.

Governor Palin came through this whole episode totally unscathed. You have not heard the last from her. She is one tough cookie! She exhibits the confident, self reliant, character that is typical of the rural Western part of our country. Somehow this frightens people not from that region...I, having lived half of my life in the rural West, find it totally refreshing.

After Senator McCain made his selection of Governor Palin I immediately phoned my good friend in Ketchikan and he gave me two thumbs up for Governor Palin. He is a friend of mine from way back in college and I literally don't know anyone with more common sense than my friend. His point of view is valued and respected by me and conversely the media's take on the Governor, in my mind, has virtually no merit.

She was presented to us by the media as a total lightweight and nitwit...right? Even scandalous...remember?

Why is it then that she received the overblown wrath of the left and the media? Why should they even pay any attention to someone so vacant of intellect and good sense?

The answer is they want her to wilt before she blooms. They don't want her around in four years. Governor Palin didn't wilt...she will be blooming in the years to come.

Most appropriately the Alaska state flower is the beautiful and hardy Alpine Forget Me Not!

Last edited by gotwood4sale

Governor Palin, being a good sport, really helped with SNL's ratings. Lorne, Tina, and Alec were all sincerely appreciative as they should have been.

Don't worry JKennedy...none of the nonsense that has been said about the Governor has had any negative effect on her. She will be around for the long haul because she was so well received by many, many people.

She has much more support than you could ever imagine...and people like a person who can laugh along with others as, in this case, she is being made fun of. That takes one strong and confident person to pull that off on the national stage.

Both Governor Palin and Senator McCain are held in high regard because of their good sportsmanship.

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Originally posted by soxnole:
At last!

A Sox fan in the White House.

One who knows the atmosphere @ wrigley is less baseball and fan friendly than on the good guy side of town.

Daley and Obama on the south side.

Tommy "Boystown" Tunney on the north side.

Case closed.

I think Obama is far more likely to be aligned with Tunney and his crowd.
Originally posted by Mr. Nobody:
Hilary is just as hot ..if not hotter

She looks plenty hot in those pantsuits ...just imagine her in something skimpy !
Have you been drinking? I'm glad I didn't have anything in my mouth when I read this. I would have choked or spit it all over the screen. If I saw Hillary in something skimpy it would be like birth control. It would take a long time to get rid of the vision and get excited again.

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