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Originally posted by playhard:
Top Tier is back-to back-to back-to back state champions.Pretty cocky to assume you will be taking home the hardware. Make sure you follow the rulebook. There is strict enforcement. Good Luck

No, I'm the one that said that and it was a joke because it looked like his was the only team coming since no one replied.
Hey Rosey,

Did'nt realize you were moderater the spokeman for the Mack.

In reference to my comment that you have twisted,

I actually played in two Mack World Series, . Won it in 82 and took 3rd in 81. So I do have some experience and do realize what a great experience it is for the kids. And beleive it or not, I was happy for our area kids who had the chance to go this year.

My post was in regards to blowhards comments at the start of the HS season. What I was referrring to is nobody wants to hear about Summer baseball when its the High School season. Its called disrespect to every HS coach with a team. You see, in this area much of the trouble between the HS coach and the Summer coach happens because of this. caused exactly like this. People and teams thinking they are above the game and everyone around it. but their catching on!

Si Bullet, I have not taken over anything. I am blessed with good people and kids all around me, I coach a group of boys and we play a very good schedule. No different then your team, Bens team, and any other team.

As far as the Connie Mack stuff, its all good

I do realize that you are the moderater so I have to be careful of what I say. I also realize you are a Tier parent and a pbr backer. Alls I was saying that its HS season , have a little respect for the HS coach, player and community. Its their time.
So let me re phrase my comment,, its HS season and nobod really cares about the back to back to back Summer stuff right now except you.
There's nothing to forgive. Don't let your paranoia get in the way of some very simple facts.

You are blowing this way out of proportion. Where in my small post did I indicate that I didn't respect the HS coaches, the HS season or the players? But, does that mean that we're only allowed to talk about things when they occur on the calendar? We can talk about HS ball, travel ball or whiffle ball whenever anyone on this board chooses. Forget this moderator stuff, and the fact that my son played for TT and I subscribe to the magazine. So do hundreds of others on this board. What does that have to do with the price of coffee?

Next time someone want to start a new thread maybe they should check with you to see if it is the appropriate time of the year.
Last edited by itsrosy
Lets talk facts buddy... simple facts, lets put it out there for everyone, you start and I will respond. This will make some good reading.

And I never said a thing about your little post, it was blowhards. Just didnt think it was a good timing. Your the one that chimed in...So now lets chime..

problem is , you know better. Facts are facts, your right on there.
Sir, I think you're acting a little nuts.

You have tried to turn this into a TT and PBR issue when none existed. That doesn't surprise me. It's not the first time. You're evidently very happy in your situation, so why the obsession with someone else? Not very attractive.

More than enough said on what was a simple thread.
Last edited by itsrosy
I responded to a TT coach talking about Summer State titles. Said I thought it was bad timing..

You jump me about Connie Mack Baseball, and this is my deal. Come on SIR, if your looking to attack me about my post then I was just answering you. Seemed to me you wanted and got your response from me, my point about TT and the others is, you are biased, you are one and same. .You are Moderator also. I of course would look for you to try to discredit me. It also isnt the first time ... And I dont care what you think..
Originally posted by playhard:
Top Tier is back-to back-to back-to back state champions.Pretty cocky to assume you will be taking home the hardware. Make sure you follow the rulebook. There is strict enforcement. Good Luck

Cocky? oh wow. Just when you think you have seen it all, the Top Tier guy talks and there is something new. What do you do again for Top Tier, uh i mean PBR, or I mean Top Tier, um wait who are you again?
Originally posted by itsrosy:
There's nothing to forgive. Don't let your paranoia get in the way of some very simple facts.

You are blowing this way out of proportion. Where in my small post did I indicate that I didn't respect the HS coaches, the HS season or the players? But, does that mean that we're only allowed to talk about things when they occur on the calendar? We can talk about HS ball, travel ball or whiffle ball whenever anyone on this board chooses. Forget this moderator stuff, and the fact that my son played for TT and I subscribe to the magazine. So do hundreds of others on this board. What does that have to do with the price of coffee?

Next time someone want to start a new thread maybe they should check with you to see if it is the appropriate time of the year.

as a moderator of this site and I as a receipient of a PM from you earlier this year---to refrain making antagonistic postings in the future--- My question to you is why wouldn't you PM SPARKY 1---- instead of DOING WHAT YOU ACCUSED ME OF DOING--- ENCOURAGING PROBLEMS ON TO THIS SITE--
to tell the BULLETS they better follow the rules because Connie Mack is strict was wrong on your part and your battle with Sparky is something else...
Sparky has a problem????? Guess if he does then someone else has one too
Lately, I don't even bother posting because you almost know someone is going to "slam you" when you say anything. Let's face it, we are all pretty opinionated (I will admit it) and we have firm beliefs based on our own individual experiences. Unfortunately some people have agendas, some people think they are the "thought police" and try to belittle people for having an opinion different than theirs. I am not directing this post at anyone (so don't slam me) but we all must realize people are going to post stuff on forums that they would not say to people's faces. IMO If you wouldn't say something directly to an individual, than don't post it. I'll go back in my shell now.......been having more fun posting on the Florida Marlin's forum anyway!

Originally posted by biggerpapi:
So let's talk HS baseball!!!

My son's school has it's first game tomorrow (3/20). Looks like the weather is going to be good enough (knock on wood)

We couldn't be more excited.

The weather is going to be good?

Sez who?


Give me a break in the're some kind of weather guru...Tommy Skillethead in disguise on the diamond?

You couldn't tell the difference between a cold front and a storefront papi!

And if you keep knockin' on me I'm going to give you a case of cedar shingles!

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