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After some recent posts I really got to thinking (I know how dangerous that can be, but I decided to risk it just this once).

The way I see it - (short version) you can either be in control, or you can point your finger and place blame, but you can't do both.

Folks who feel they are in control are always looking to see what they can do to set things in motion, to get what they want.

They don't always get what they want, and when they don't they often experience that very unpleasant emotion - a feeling of failure. Their response to that nasty emotion is to try to find out what THEY did wrong and alter their next move.

The folks who point fingers never have to experience that nasty feeling of failure. After all, tehre is always someone they can blame for things not working out in their favor.

They do experience another nasty feeling though, the frustration and aggravation that other folks control their destiny.

That is not to say that on occassion folks from both groups don't stray over to the other side.

In general, it seems folks either take control (and accept the blame) or they refuse to accept the blame and in the process hand over their feeling of being in control. Once they accept that others have control, they do less to help themselves, only because they have accepted that it won't help anyhow.

Just a bit of rambling for which I thoroughly accept the blame.
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Ditto!! clap


That was phunny! Big Grin Is baseball ever going to begin out this way? Probably heading your way tomorrow to see my niece in a play. Give me an idea of your son's schedule...I'll be back and forth a LOT over the next couple of months---baseball is in the air---I can FEEL IT...

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