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C'mon Coach...make it a challenge for this dude! Don't leave 'em in plain least hide 'em under the Cheetos®.

And here's a caution for you all means, keep him away from those Cheetos®! You don't want him to have another one of his fantasizing dreams...

...where he gets pulled over and ticketed by the State Weighmaster and fails the field cheese-a-liar test and has to spend a night in the bag!


Last edited by gotwood4sale
Jesus has been seen everywhere...I even wrote a little country song whose lyrics go something like this...

"In a tree in a spoon in a wall and on the street. He has been seen in the sky in an ultrasound and on a rock. He has been on the TV and on a stick including your everyday fish stick. He is on hundreds of long spots that aren't just blots. Cinnamon rolls, pancakes, hot cakes and now on the backs of cats. In photos of Skip on a trip. On the cobblestone path in a rash and in a splash. In a shirt on the back of Kurt. Jesus lives, forgives and thrives in the heart of you man..."
Last edited by Coach Waltrip

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