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I can't imagine who will get a shot. Guessing there will be hundreds of applicants, and many very high quality applicants. I could think of a few who might be serious contenders, I won't name them though because I wouldn't want to breach their confidentiality or jeapordize their standing in the positions they presently hold. It will be very interesting. I wouldn't expect the position to be filled very quickly. Bet we have at least a month of guessing and conjecture.
With the job market like it is I believe this is one of the few decent jobs that will open this year. Last year there were quite a few. I was runner up on a good job and said to myself oh well there is always next year. I'm not at a bad place, but just at a place that isn't in a location I want to settle.I sent in my resume. We'll see, but I bet its already narrowed down before it was open. Things are sure hard as educators. Wife took off this year to take care of our infant..Now no job and nothing open with us struggling to find a way to get by!! My suggestion is find something else if you have college age children wanting to coach. We are taking a pay freeze for 2 years, contributing more insurance money and possibly getting stipends cut. Like Pops said in The Natural...Should have been a farmer. Wink

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