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Does anyone know anything about this for Baseball? I know cost of attendance stipends begin this year for Power 5 schools and I thought it was for all athletes on athletic scholarships in all sports. Is baseball excluded? Just football and basketball players I am hearing?


Any insight would be appreciated. Thank you.

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Baseball is not excluded (I think),


My boys play in the Pac-12. Last year, after tuition was paid any left over money was received in a lump sum. This year they will receive monthly payments and the totals coming to each have increased. I'm guessing that's the stipend kicking in. My boys are no help with getting any additional info regarding this, they don't ask questions.


I had also heard the Power 5 schools were providing meals for athletes, can anyone confirm this?



There is a difference between the "meal plan" which counts as scholarship money just as tuition, books and lodging, and the athletic department now being able to provide food.


With the change in rules, they are now able to have food available for athletes, typically in the weight/training room.  Peanut butter sandwiches, sack "meals" with fruit, energy/granola bars, energy drinks, etc., etc.  This appears to be adding some strategy in how RC's are promoting scholarship money.  They can hold back meal plan money (and keep that as part of their 11.7) and ask families to purchase the smallest meal plan available, often shooting for something that would provide 1 meal per day through the school program.  Players can grab a "snack" after their morning workout, then swing by and get some sandwiches, etc., mid day, eat dinner on their plan, then get a snack in the evening after practice.  The amount and type of food that the schools are now able to provide to the student athletes is significant compared to the past, so when you're talking about food, you need to look at them as two different opportunities.  The campus meal plan and the food available to student athletes outside of the meal plan.  The latter is available to all student athletes, regardless of scholarship level.

Last edited by Nuke83

Can someone briefly outline the funding mechanics of a typical scholarship?  For example, let's say the scholarship is 100% (realize this is unrealistic for baseball but a good figure for discussion purposes).  I am under the impression that the monies get released twice a year and certain institutional expenses (tuition to start with) get netted out with the balance deposited into the player's checking account.  Can a scholarship include an imputed rent amount such that the player gets cash to help offset a "typical" rent amount?  Same for food assuming a certain meal plan?  Would a 100% scholarship athlete living off campus end up getting sizeable cash deposits twice a year?


The comment above about "holding back meal money" made me realize I really don't understand the actual mechanics.

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