I am not here to stir up trouble by no means or bash Title IX, but why on earth would the NCAA approve another female sport such as Sand Volleyball when indoor volleyball already exists and thrives within its on confines and budgets?
And where will the future funding of this come from? Reading the attached article they speak of funding it from schools that already have existing indoor programs. How? Have you ever been to a collegiate volleyball game? I have and trust me, there aren't but a handful of fans there.
I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to figure it out. There most likely will be reductions in other programs.
Yes, I know...it would be fun to watch and all that but tell that to the parents who are trying to get their player onto a ball team after high school.
Make it a club sport, but a collegiate sport?
What gives NCAA?! geez.
New sport - Sand Volleyball
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