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That is a bad mechanic but if you are using Fed mechanics a correct one. If they want the BU to cover all the way to third and have the PU stay home, that is better.
With the Fed mechanic you you have the BU runing 90ft to take him to second, then 120ft to cover the plate. Then you have the PU run 90ft to cover third. Too much running for no apparent reason.
Originally posted by POLOGREEN:
Wow have I gotten a ton of resistance from partners about covering third with no one on base as the UIC (HP), we have been told to come up to third and have the BU come back to cover HP if the runner goes to third. They just want to cover it themselves!

I'm curious. At what point does FED say BU should release and head home?
I am not sure I understand your OP then. I know it is a Fed mechanic and required in NJ. Others in your group are resisting it? If so who is evauluating, your group or the state? If your group then changing as a group shouldn't be a big deal. If the state then I don't understand why your cohorts would resist, it's in their best interest.
As far as when to release, I would say when the runner has committed to third. The tricky part is knowing the right moment to release, deciding between a possible rundown and a honest advance.
It would look way worse to release and then all of a sudden the runner stops and you have a rundown with the BU running away. This is why it is a bad mechanic, too much can blow up, too much running with no advantage. It is a throwback to always an umpire ahead of the play, the problem is by releasing too early has the exact opposite result.
If the BU takes him all the way to third and the throw is bad, now you automaticly have that pickle covered. If the runner tries to go to third and gets hung up between second and third, the BU has it all initially and the PU comes up and gets his end when he can. The other way, you end up with the BU at the plate and the PU at second.
Last edited by Michael S. Taylor
Originally posted by POLOGREEN:
When the runner rounds second and is heading for third you are supposed to start heading home.

BU heads for home, PU is at third, B/R changes his mind, goes back to second, the throw get there as he does...nutcutter call. Who's got it?

I work with many different partners from different associations and some do not like the mechanics and in pre-game state their case (Won't use it)

Good for them.

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