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From the parent of a former LL hero who will never start on varsity in high school ... The coach is a jerk. He’s screwing my son.

This one actually happened ...

While biking I stopped to watch a summer league game. I asked a dad about the teams playing. I asked which one was his son. The league was a high school summer league for aspiring varsity starters. This team was coached by the varsity coach.

The dad told me his son was on the bench. Why? Here it comes ...

“The coach plays favorites.”

The coach has won over 80% of his games over sixteen years. He has seven sectional championships and two state titles. I’m guessing he plays favorites with his best players.

When the dad’s kid got in the game his body language was as bad as the dad’s attitude.

There are many, but this was the first to pop in my head....

So, my 3 son's played high school baseball from 2006-2015.  One of the rival high schools had a baseball mother that must have spanned the same timeframe.   She had a raspy voice and probably smoked a couple packs of Camels a day.   ANYTIME one of their pitchers would through over to first base, she would yell very loudly...."GOT HIM" from the stands.   A couple of times, I saw the runners stay on the bag to see if she would still say it when the pitcher threw over.   She did say it, and the dugout thought it was the funniest thing.   After 9 years, it was just stupid.....and annoying!   No runner every got picked off in those 9 years.



I was at a the 15U ABC's in Indianapolis last week and struck up a conversation with a assistant coach of another team who told me all about his older son who finished up his career at an ACC school 5 years ago and how the kid is now getting started coaching a high school team.  Interesting stuff, but then he says:

"I'm just a 45 minute drive from here, so I get why we're here.  But why did all these teams come from 6, 7, or even 8 hours away? There is not a single college coach in the country who gives a crap about 15U kids."

And literally standing 25 feet away from us were coaches from Michigan, Purdue, Wright State, and Iowa.   And the recruiting coordinator from Louisville was at the fence on the other side of the infield, watching the same game we were...

3and2Fastball posted:

I was at a the 15U ABC's in Indianapolis last week and struck up a conversation with a assistant coach of another team who told me all about his older son who finished up his career at an ACC school 5 years ago and how the kid is now getting started coaching a high school team.  Interesting stuff, but then he says:

"I'm just a 45 minute drive from here, so I get why we're here.  But why did all these teams come from 6, 7, or even 8 hours away? There is not a single college coach in the country who gives a crap about 15U kids."

And literally standing 25 feet away from us were coaches from Michigan, Purdue, Wright State, and Iowa.   And the recruiting coordinator from Louisville was at the fence on the other side of the infield, watching the same game we were...

And that is why you need to make sure your travel organization has qualified coaches before you commit to playing for them  

Lakepoint 16u WWBA 2017:

A fellow mom to a college scout/recruiter: (It was weird that she was even talking to him!)

"Are you here looking for pitchers? My son has everything any coach could want in a pitcher, the only thing he is missing is velocity, he hits his spots every time." 

fenwaysouth posted:

There are many, but this was the first to pop in my head....

So, my 3 son's played high school baseball from 2006-2015.  One of the rival high schools had a baseball mother that must have spanned the same timeframe.   She had a raspy voice and probably smoked a couple packs of Camels a day.   ANYTIME one of their pitchers would through over to first base, she would yell very loudly...."GOT HIM" from the stands.   A couple of times, I saw the runners stay on the bag to see if she would still say it when the pitcher threw over.   She did say it, and the dugout thought it was the funniest thing.   After 9 years, it was just stupid.....and annoying!   No runner every got picked off in those 9 years.



I must have coached the son of her twin in PA. I could I ate the her gravely voice too. The kid could be out by five feet but, “He missed the tag!” It was all over for the kid when mom came in my dugout a second time during a game to discuss positions. 

Or was it the second time the kid didn’t run out a pop up, I replaced him and he told me it was f’n bull shirt? This was one of the three times in my coaching career I snapped on a kid. 

High school game this year and we were the visiting team.  A group of kids come and sit behind home plate for a few innings. 

Between innings they yelled at their own first base coach as he was making his way to coach first base bag.

”Coach! Coach! We are here. Do you want to write our names down or anything?”

coach says, nope. I got you.

I over hear them talking amongst themselves. One says, I don’t know anything about baseball. I need coach to know I’m here so I’ll get the extra credit he promised. 

A few innings later one of the kids yells “good eye” after a pitch. His buddies ask what he’s doing. He says, “I’ve learned that you say good eye after their pitcher throws the ball and the ump doesn’t yell loudly and point that way!”.

PlayWithEffort posted:

High school game this year and we were the visiting team.  A group of kids come and sit behind home plate for a few innings. 

Between innings they yelled at their own first base coach as he was making his way to coach first base bag.

”Coach! Coach! We are here. Do you want to write our names down or anything?”

coach says, nope. I got you.

I over hear them talking amongst themselves. One says, I don’t know anything about baseball. I need coach to know I’m here so I’ll get the extra credit he promised. 

A few innings later one of the kids yells “good eye” after a pitch. His buddies ask what he’s doing. He says, “I’ve learned that you say good eye after their pitcher throws the ball and the ump doesn’t yell loudly and point that way!”.

It is very surprising to me how many kids now do not know the rules or customs of baseball, are not fans, and do not care about baseball.  Just an observation, not a judgment.  The world is in constant change and this is but one small example.  I just assume that everyone grew up with it being a main sport - and even if you didn't play baseball, you certainly knew the basic rules, customs and sayings, etc.  But now that clearly is no longer the case!

Good eye!  That one always cracks me up anyway b/c some unitiatied observers seem to use it too indiscriminately (i.e. when the pitch is so outside no one in their right mind would swing!!).

This is stupid because of who said it.

Context: Summer league. VT HC just came off of a suspension for bumping me in an argument, so I got assigned his first game back (often, this happens to send a message.) These teams are rivals. 

It's a close game, sometime in the latter half (maybe seventh inning?) VT gets bases loaded with one out, and decides to do a suicide squeeze. It catches the defense entirely off-guard and everyone is safe. HT HC starts running at me: "HE CAN'T DO THAT! THAT'S BULLSHIT!" Now I'm the one off-guard, because there was nothing remotely controversial about what happened on the play.

I call time, and before I can take a step, he's within three feet of me, yelling about how what just happened is illegal. I am completely lost at this point as to what he is arguing, but I can't get a word in to even ask what he means. He motions to the VT HC who was coming up behind me to defend himself saying, "It's called a squeeze play," and now I'm thinking this is going to turn into something even worse. I turn around and tell VT HC, "Kevin, I'll take care of this. Let's not get in any more trouble." He complies, and I go back to sorting out HT's beef.

Finally, it comes out: "He interfered with my catcher's chance to catch the pitch!" I damn near choked on my gum. "What are you saying?" I replied. "He didn't let my catcher catch the pitch to tag out the runner from third." I look at him, doing the best I could not to laugh at him, and ask, "Are you saying that every time the batter hits the ball, it's interference?" His face rapidly changes from angered to sheepish, he stops arguing, and returns to the dugout.

Many years ago son was playing in a little league all star game against our biggest rivals at the time (and their 2018 version still gets my competitive juices flowing). One of their moms was constantly berating her team, our team, the officials, etc. FInally, during a rather controversial moment one of our moms stood up and yelled across the field—hey lady, why don’t you get a donut?

That led to the introduction of “shut up suckers” that we bring to the ballpark to use when we feel the need to yell stupid stuff at opponents.

8 years later or so, one of us will still mutter “why don’t you get a donut” when an opponent crowd or coach argues too much, and then we give that parent their shut up sucker  


So, this one is actually on me...and even though it was a good comeback, I still regret it. 

Last game of this season, playing one of my rivals, a school I absolutely just despise.  Short history for context, my family went to the church of this school and basically left when someone wanted to scholarship our children to the school and we declined because we feel like God has called us to be involved in the public school system...which is what lead the HS to ask me to be the varsity coach.  When we declined we were literally told we did not love our children if we sent them to public school...SAY WHAT!!!  Hence the reason I despise the school. 

So, we are in the 6inning down by 2 with 1 man on and 1 outs with my #4 at the plate. Pitcher licks his fingers and throws a breaking ball that my batter is on top of and grounds out to 2B.  I go to HP Umpire and ask if he saw the finger lick and that they kid did not wipe.  Umpire says he didn't notice.  I'm thinking, you have ONE job...seriously.  Now, do I think it was intentional...probably not, but it is against the rules.  He would also rake the ball and rub in in the dirt on the mound, I'm not even sure what the call on that is but the finger lick and no wipe is a direct violation. 

So I am walking back to my spot coaching 3B and opposing team parents are giving me what for, "what are you complaining about now?"  "let them play" blah, blah, blah.  One of their coaches is actually a good friend of mine and goes to church with me so I tell him what it was about.  He tells pitchers parents who proceed to jab at me.  I generally pay no attention to anything outside the fence but it just got to me and I say, "you Pharisees should know the rules, you love the laws."  Their HC cringes and looks back at parents and tells them I a right about the rules, be quite.

I still regret saying it and it was a teachable moment for me in my first year as a head coach.  Now, I don't care what is said outside the fence unless it is encouraging.  Fortunately most teams we play know how bad we have been FOREVER and see the improvements we have made so it's actually crazy that most of our district opponents parents and spectators actually lift up and encourage our players, those are the parents I engage with now.


baseballmomx4 posted:

As coach is leaving the field after being ejected he yells  “Hey Blue, I hear Roto Rooter is hiring. You should apply because you suck 💩!  😳🤣

I thought roto rooters spun around?  Related: when I was playing in college a long time ago and in a galaxy far away, our classmate fans prided themselves on their "witty" banter at the umpire and with the opposing team.  This was in a small town and definitely small time baseball, and the same three man umpire crew did a lot of the games.  Two of the three were brothers whose last name was Hoover.  One of the lines I remember was: "Hey Blue!! It's a good thing your last name isn't Kirby because they suck even more than Hoovers do."

Another one, which became a chant we all kind of enjoyed: on a close play that did didn't go our way with one of the Hoover brothers on the base:

"DAMN, Hoover, Hoover Dam!"  The only chant I've heard anywhere that was a palindrome. 


I am a big fan of the witty banter that comes out of a college dugout. I heard a great line while playing a game in the Karl Young Collegiate Summer League in Houston (a long time ago). Our team was in the field and somehow a dog got loose, got on the field, and started running around the outfield. Within seconds a player hollered from the other dugout, "Hey, you can only have 9 dogs on the field at one time!"

smokeminside posted:
baseballmomx4 posted:

As coach is leaving the field after being ejected he yells  “Hey Blue, I hear Roto Rooter is hiring. You should apply because you suck 💩!  😳🤣

I thought roto rooters spun around?  Related: when I was playing in college a long time ago and in a galaxy far away, our classmate fans prided themselves on their "witty" banter at the umpire and with the opposing team.  This was in a small town and definitely small time baseball, and the same three man umpire crew did a lot of the games.  Two of the three were brothers whose last name was Hoover.  One of the lines I remember was: "Hey Blue!! It's a good thing your last name isn't Kirby because they suck even more than Hoovers do."

Another one, which became a chant we all kind of enjoyed: on a close play that did didn't go our way with one of the Hoover brothers on the base:

"DAMN, Hoover, Hoover Dam!"  The only chant I've heard anywhere that was a palindrome. 


You sure about that, Smoke?

I got another that just happened today. A dad while trying to convince me and other parents to let our 10 year olds go to a $400 camp at a local Division 1 “ it will get them on the radar”  Now that’s funny! This from the same dad that brings a pocket radar to 10u games 🙄. I better be careful, he’s probably already on this site looking for recruiting tips. 

After refusing to have my son be a fourth in winter group (of four) pitching lessons at age eight ... 

He will fall behind the other kids and not be able to pitch when he’s older. 

Two of the three wrecked their arms by age twelve. Another took a shot back through the middle so badly at eleven he never wanted to pitch again. My son pitched through high school. He pitched well as an extra on his 17u team. But he wanted to advance as a position player. 

Since there is quite an age difference  between my oldest 21 and youngest 8, with 2 in between, I must say parents are getting crazier. Every game is life or death. I keep trying to tell them these are the stress free baseball years. Enjoy it. Some of these people have their kids on 2 and 3 travel teams at this age. Saying they have to do this or have to do that or else they’ll be behind. The only thing they have to do at this age is learn the game and learn the skills and have fun doing it. Just my opinion. 

TPM posted:
2022NYC posted:

I prefer the spanish version. No translation needed.

Being from South Florida, I find that pretty hilarious.

Son played in Mexico, you can't in your wildest dreams ever imagine what goes on.

I love my momma like anyone else but all my journeys south of the border stays with me to the grave and beyond.  MPAA would need to make a new rating category for what goes on down there. 

-Ball is thrown 3 feet above batters head, parent yells to the batter *good eye!*

-9u son tells me the umpire needs a ride, I say to where, he said "Pearl Vision OBVIOUSLY!"

-9u, parent says "Coach, why aren't you taking him out?" son proceeds to walk 4th batter, coach said "he has to learn to work through it!"

A Little League coach of a 9yo team who would preface everything with "... I don't know much about baseball, but...," proved that to me when I heard him yell "TURN TWO" and there was no one on base.  

Seriously, this guy sat next to me the year before and told me he was going to coach because "the coaches' kids always make all stars."  

Qhead posted:
PlayWithEffort posted:

High school game this year and we were the visiting team.  A group of kids come and sit behind home plate for a few innings. 

Between innings they yelled at their own first base coach as he was making his way to coach first base bag.

”Coach! Coach! We are here. Do you want to write our names down or anything?”

coach says, nope. I got you.

I over hear them talking amongst themselves. One says, I don’t know anything about baseball. I need coach to know I’m here so I’ll get the extra credit he promised. 

A few innings later one of the kids yells “good eye” after a pitch. His buddies ask what he’s doing. He says, “I’ve learned that you say good eye after their pitcher throws the ball and the ump doesn’t yell loudly and point that way!”.

It is very surprising to me how many kids now do not know the rules or customs of baseball, are not fans, and do not care about baseball.  Just an observation, not a judgment.  The world is in constant change and this is but one small example.  I just assume that everyone grew up with it being a main sport - and even if you didn't play baseball, you certainly knew the basic rules, customs and sayings, etc.  But now that clearly is no longer the case!

Good eye!  That one always cracks me up anyway b/c some unitiatied observers seem to use it too indiscriminately (i.e. when the pitch is so outside no one in their right mind would swing!!).

Best "Good Eye" comedy ever.  Worth the full 6-1/2 mins, but if you want to skip ahead to the 4:10 mark.

Mine is recent. The other night a mom and I were watching our varsity HS team at bat. Opposing pitcher throws three balls in a row, then the fourth was way off too (to my expert eyes). Umpire calls a strike. I mutter kind of to myself, kind of to the neighbor mom "yea, cause there's that rule against calling four balls in a row."

My neighbor, whose son has played with mine for almost 10 years, turns to me, her eyes wide. "Really, how can I have gone all these years and not known that rule???"

RJM posted:
fenwaysouth posted:

There are many, but this was the first to pop in my head....

So, my 3 son's played high school baseball from 2006-2015.  One of the rival high schools had a baseball mother that must have spanned the same timeframe.   She had a raspy voice and probably smoked a couple packs of Camels a day.   ANYTIME one of their pitchers would through over to first base, she would yell very loudly...."GOT HIM" from the stands.   A couple of times, I saw the runners stay on the bag to see if she would still say it when the pitcher threw over.   She did say it, and the dugout thought it was the funniest thing.   After 9 years, it was just stupid.....and annoying!   No runner every got picked off in those 9 years.



I must have coached the son of her twin in PA. I could I ate the her gravely voice too. The kid could be out by five feet but, “He missed the tag!” It was all over for the kid when mom came in my dugout a second time during a game to discuss positions. 

Or was it the second time the kid didn’t run out a pop up, I replaced him and he told me it was f’n bull shirt? This was one of the three times in my coaching career I snapped on a kid. 

We used to play a team with the opposite mom. Every time my pitcher would pick to first, she'd scream "Pitch to the batter!" Once I got tired enough of it that three times in a row I simply yelled out to my pitcher "throw to first again!" 

Bonus: Her kid later played FOR me. She was the same person, though. 

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