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Whenever our baseball season ends this year i want to have my own personalized workout that i can do during the summer at the gym (also during off season). This is what i heve come up with so far..

Bench Press: 10x65, 8x80, 8x95, 6x105, 4x115, 2x125.

My max now is 135, but when it goes up i will adjust this part of the workout.

Tricep Super Set(2)

Tricep Push Down 3x15

D.B. Flys.

I am looking for more things to do on Monday that will help me speciffically with baseball (arm strength).


Squat 4x4

Front Squat 4x4

Shoulder Combo (2)

Front Lat Raises 3x15

Side Lat Raises 3x15

Lat Pull Down 3x10

I am also looking for more things to do on tuesday that will help me speciffically baseball.


I am going to use this day for strictly Cardiovascular Strength. I might run 5 miles?


I want to use this day to improve my speed and i desperately need help with what to do for this. Sprints?


I will repeat what i did monday.

If you have any suggestions please sumbit them because i need some help!! Thanks!!
" If your not practicing, somebody else is, somewhere, and he'll be ready to take your job." Brooks Robinson, Hall of Fame third baseman
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