I agree that some folks were rude in their attacks of the former major leaguer. 1 cup of coffee is better than egg on the face.
That being said, Let me point out that others have asked the FML to please stick around and post on the board to add his valuable knowledge to this ever growing community. I did a search on the user's id and found that almost every post dating back to early in the year is an advertisement for his services. No value added!
I recognized the user id from a
youth baseball forum This user has created 12 posts in the course of a year on that forum and all have been advertisements. Just like here, he was asked not to advertise as well as participate in other threads.
I for one would love to hear what he has to say about many issues. If he chooses to only disclose his knowledge when he gets paid, that is his option. Just don't expect free advertisement were ever he goes. I ran a business in a different industry. I was a member of many internet bulletin boards relating to that industry. I, like PG & others chose to take the high ground and NOT advertise my wears in threads. I paid for advertisement were it was allowed. I do not think this is too much to ask anyone to do.