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Reading the forum with the war between the Sox and Cub fans continuing....I decided to go on line and say as a Cardinal fan for many years, I predict the Cubs will win the "pathetic" division this year.

Cubs have the best team...Brewers can't win on the road and the Cardinals have a hard time beating the Cubs...

With a lineup decimated by injuries, a starting pitching staff equivalent of a minor league relief staff...How the heck can the Cardinals win this division...

If the Cardinals pull this one off....Tony should be manager of the year...and the Cubs should hang their heads in shame for another off season..
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Woodly, I'm not sure what the Central Division is going to do. Before baseball is played on September 9th, the Brewers and the Cubs are tied for first with the Cardinals two games back.

That's pretty close considering this:

The Cubs and Cardinals play 5 more times; four of which are in St. Louis.

The Cardinals and Brewers play 3 more times in Milwaukee.

Two games could be a lot of ground to cover, but the Cardinals have been playing fairly well as of late. Remember they were 10+ out at one point.

The Cubs, as much as I hate to say it, should win the division. I think reputation is getting to them and they are falling apart. The way the Cardinals played in the spring and start of the summer, the Cubs should be ahead by about 10 games or better. The Brewers have also fallen apart because they at one point had a significant lead too.

This one will come down to the wire...
The Schedule favors the Cubs. The Cardinals will be masters of their own fate when they face the Cubs. If they earn a split, they lose. JMHO!

Oh the Brewers? I just don't know! They're not doing much to win it but they are maintaining. Who knows, maintaining might just be good enough give the recent history of this division. (Isn't that what my beloved Cardinals did last year?)
cardsfan14, I'm fine but already missing baseball. Missing it badly and it hasn't even began yet. However, the daughter and her new team had a 4 hour practice today. The coaches for the team wanted to watch the players and evaluate them so I guess you can guess who ran the practice. A lot of double infield, mulitple infield, and then, naturally a lot of hitting. In the spring, I might need a straight jacket. Of course, I can head down to Waterloo and take in a Bulldog game or two now.
You probably better go down Route 40 and watch that Bulldog team. It is going to be a struggle for us next year. Basketball is going to be a major struggle too.....but our younger kids do look good, so there is hope. I am going to help with baseball again next year....I kind of missed it last Spring. I am glad I sat out though. I still want to watch younger son run track too. I am enjoying NOT coaching 3 sports. It is nice to finish driving each day and have some time afterschool for myself.
Glad to see that I am not the only Cardinal Fan in the world.....Guys it is very simple; he performed his miracle last year and we won it.... With injuries, no pitching, no pitching help seen in the future....We are going to see a major overhaul this winter...
Just witnessed that Card Cub makeup game today...they look dead...and I hate to see after a 4 game losing streak what they will do in St Louis against the Cubs if they lose 3 in Cincy......
But we all stay with them; despite losing 12-3 and being out of it early; I stayed with them....Ankiel is now 0-12 in his last 12 plate appearances--The Natural has come down to earth...
Woodly, I am with you. As a displaced (living in the north burbs)Redbird fan, I have decided that this may be one of my favorite Cardinal teams because of what they have accomplished with so little this year (not to diminish the kids that have been called up...Ryan, Ludwick...but they aren't Rolen, Carpenter, Kinney...). I was around to see to enjoy 1964, 67, 68 (kind of), the 80's and this decade. Even though they are in the NL Central, they have found a way to compete.

Now, about the Cubs. I agree that they have the best talent in the division. I will still take Zambrano on my team anyday...they guy has unbelievable stuff. Lee and Ramirez are solid and Theriot is a plugger (reminds me a little of Eckstein, but with a better arm...almost always has quality at bats (Mr. Pinella, that's called "a lead-off man". This kid Soto looks good so far too. Lilly has been steady and Marquis has been good more often than not. Also, I think Mr. Wood will be just fine...maybe not this year (tough to get command after TJ surgery...for at least 15-18 months...but his velocity is solid and he still has a wicked breaking ball.

So Woodly, let's enjoy the Redbird's efforts, hope they spend a little more money for front line players and give it a run next year.
wATCHING the Cardinals and their second line players try to stay up with the other clubs should be a reminder to everyone...It is a TEAM effort and no one individual should be bigger then the TEAM Hopefully the Cubs Zambrano gets that message through his head prior to the "disaster" that I think will eventually happen with him:...maybe not now ; but if he doesn't change his ways....HE will be a disaster for the Cubs
The sound you heard yesterday after another lackluster attempt to play this great game was my heart breaking again. To think that we (Cardinals organization) paid for that pitching performance. NOTE TO WALT - HEY WALT, WE DON'T HAVE PITCHING. GET RID OF WHOMEVER WE NEED TO GET RID OF IN THAT CONGLOMERATION CALLED THE "OUTFIELD" AND GET A PITCHER. A REAL PITCHER. A REAL #1. (of course a real #3 for most teams will do just fine for us but don't try to get us a real #5 and tell us he's our #1. Carp, get well soooon!!! PLEEEEEEEESE!)
Watching Reyes just makes me sick. Will somebody please tell Wells and Reyes to work faster. God - I almost fall asleep watching them pitch. One of the infielders is going to yawn and get killed. Any ideas on where to find this pitching. I have heard there are no top pitchers up for free agency this year. I did get the opportunity this summer to talk to Jake Peavy (Sp) and he is very interested in coming back to this part of the country. He doesn't like California for his kids.....but I bet Atlanta will out bid us for him.
Well guys.....get ready for another loss in Cincy on Thursday because we have now head hunted for a victory against the CUBBIES....Wainwright (our top reliever-starter) will throw on Friday against Zambrano and we get KIPPIE to throw Thursday after seeing Reyes in his 3 inning stint on Wed.... It almost makes me scared to watch tomorrow afternoon but I will be there...
Here is how we get the pitching.... over the winter; good bye Eckstein to free agency; hello Ryan for startig shortstop in 2008... Good bye to our frequently hurt 3b Rolen to get some pitching help; moving Pujols back to 3rd...Guess we move that pitching coaches son (Duncan) to his natural position of 1b... Trade Edmonds to get some pitching help along with another one of the outfielders... move Ankiel to rf, Taguchi to cf, and a couple other outfielders for left.....
Miles will be starting 2b, Ryan at ss, and please get rid of REYES and his promising career........
HATE TO SEE ROLEN GO but it looks as if he is the only one that can bring us some pitching....

This crazy division...Cards have 4 left with Cubbies, 3 left with Brewers....but no pitching or energy left to play any of them.... BRING ON THE YOUNG KIDS AND LET THEM TRY TO OUTSLUG THEIR OPPONENTS.... 6 in a row and going for 7...then Cubbies....
Last edited by woodly
They arent going to move ALbert to 3rd. I don't see anyone wanting Rolen or Edmunds with their salaries. I still think those 2 can help us anyway. And the idea of So playing CF is not a good thought at all. He can't catch a cold. I think next year could be another tough year. I don't think the manager, pitching coach, or first base coach will be back next year. I even heard a rumor that Ozzie wants to be the manager.
B-HSchamp, "CAR CRASH" is perhaps the best description I've heard of what is happening in the NL Central. Cardsfan14, PLEASE - and you know I think a lot of you, please don't get my blood up with the "next year will be the same" type response. What'd you want to see - me doing my best Stanford impression, "This is the big one!"

So in the OF? If so, we're in BIG TROUBLE!

bet you the white sox would be interested in Rolen
and they definitely have some pitching...
but....who knows...that is why they get paid the big bucks to worry about who is coming back and who is not... All they have to worry about is if the FANS ARE COMING BACK
JUST DROPPED THEIR 7TH IN A ROW...KIPPIE WELLS REACHES 17 losses in one season....4 innings pitched, 10 hits and 6 walks...bullpen shuts them out the rest of the way...
Well, the Cards now need to win 15 out of 19...yeah, right.. We are now the spoilers.. You have to give up something to get something.. so how do we get pitching if we don't want to give up something... Ludwig, Ankiel, and Duncan in the of
Pulos at 3b, Ryan at ss (of course I hope we still have Eckstein), Miles at 2b, Edmonds at 1b???, or we keep Rolen at 3b, Pujols at 1b....AND WHO DO WE GIVE UP TO GET PITCHING...
WHO is out there on free agency who would help us..Not MUCH.... so it has to be through the minor league system or TRADES....
Very interesting how things can turn around so drastically in a short period of time.
The Cubs are likely headed to the playoffs and have a nice nucleus of signed veterans & youngsters. If Wood or Prior ever add anything you're looking at a very solid rotation/pen.

They will be bought by someone with deep pockets and the willingness/ability to spend like a major market team should. The future, which I think most of us will live in, looks bright.

Meanwhile, the pathetic, embarrassing trainwreck known as the White Sox are one of the worst teams in the league. From champs/dreams of a dynasty/a temporary fan base to a team with little chance to win most nights, a dismal future, and 18,000 on half price Mondays as guaranteed.
Worse yet, they're aging quickly and retaining some of the heroes from the 05 WS dvd - the same players who have them in the cellar and a manager who the players have quit on. It's all gone south in such a sudden and sad hurry. An owner who won't spend and a minor league system made up mostly of Kenny's huge ego rather than legitimate prospects doesn't bode well for the future.

All the Sox hats & shirts that suddenly popped up have disappeared faster than the Sox relievers 95 mph heaters have into the gaps and upper decks of the AL. Good thing they have the best trainer around - the former best and deepest staff in baseball surely needs plenty of neck therapy after turning & watching laser after laser be hit when they can throw a strike.

I feel for my buddies who are Sox fans. It is painful to hear them cry about the calls they dont get, the bad bounces and all the other nonsense derived from the fluke of 05. If anyone's interested - a good friend has a luxury bus leaving from his house for Saturday's Sox game. For $65 you get nice bus ride, unlimited food/beer buffet on bus, good ticket, fireworks, and bad uninspired baseball. No takers? - unfortunately that's what my buddy is finding. Go Cubs!
Well; The Cardinals are so bad right now that Tony is calling on the Sick List to help out;

Last night starting Spiezio who had not played or even suited up for 32 days; and now Duncan pinch hitting when he has been out for 10 days....

Looking at that lineup today; only Edmonds, Pujols, and the catcher were in the initial starting lineup at the beginning of the year...

Great role players are just that; role duty...Cardinals are playing the role players each day... Cannot wait until this season is over.....
Cardinals "B" Team defeated the "cocky" and overconfident Chicago Cubs ....finally in the nightcap of the day-night doubleheader

I noticed the poll they took on tv said 77% of the viewers said the Cardinals were dead...maybe dead but the "B" Team will have a say on who wins the division

stay tuned for the last hurrah-- noticed that the Cub announcers on TV are talking about a playoff roster in the 6th inning of the second game... Still 13 games left for the CUBBIES to choke on with only a 1 game lead on the Brewers
Last edited by woodly
I read with hilarity the comments from the anti-Cub faction on the board. Especially those that forecast the "choke" that is enevitable, or even more absurdly, the car crash that's coming. How can a team choke when they only have a 1 game lead in their division? They aren't Gene Mauch's Phillies or other similar squads. They have managed to be in contention in a weak division, nothing more and nothing less. If the Brewers don't win, will they be labeled as "chokers" even though they had the big lead and let it disappear? I don't think so and they shouldn't be. It will go down to the end and maybe the better team will win.
Last edited by itsrosy
Originally posted by itsrosy:
I read with hilarity the comments from the anti-Cub faction on the board. Especially those that forecast the "choke" that is enevitable, or even more absurdly, the car crash that's coming. How can a team choke when they only have a 1 game lead in their division? They aren't Gene Mauch's Phillies or other similar squads. They have managed to be in contention in a weak division, nothing more and nothing less. If the Brewers don't win, will they be labeled as "chokers" even though they had the big lead and let it disappear? I don't think so and they shouldn't be. It will go down to the end and maybe the better team will win.

a team chokes with a 1 game lead when they leave men on base and can't get the big hit or make the big play... Teams choke when the pressure is on...Hopefully that does not happen to the CUBS because even though I am a Cardinal fan I am all behind the Cubs and Lou Pinella to win that division...Never can tell what will happen if they get to the playoffs and MAN WOULD THAT BE FUN if they got to the world series for us up north!!!
Go Cubs...
I said the same to son on the way to school this AM (he was driving, so I was listening to the radio to DISTRACT MYSELF!) Anyway, I said "good for Thome - hits #500 and it was a big one!" Son smiles and says "Yeah" - cuz even though he's only 16, he's hit a few of those "big ones" himself and knew exactly what I meant!

And it's so great to see an Illinois boy make a name for himself, even if he is playing for "that other team"!

Best part of your post is that you were driving your son to school and talking a little baseball. Savor those moments as they don't last forever.


For what it's worth, what's going on in both the NL East and AL East may indeed end up being worthy of the "choke" label. I just don't see the Cubs or Brewers in a situation even remotely like the Mets or Red Sox. JMO.
Last edited by itsrosy
Originally posted by itsrosy:

Best part of your post is that you were driving you son to school and talking a little baseball. Savor those moments as they don't last forever.


For what it's worth, what's going on in both the NL East and AL East may indeed end up being worthy of the "choke" label. I just don't see the Cubs or Brewers in a situation even remotely like the Mets or Red Sox. JMO.

I agree and after watching the Cubs tonight coming back for that victory against the Reds....comparing it to the Cardinals coming back from 11 down to lose.... I think this is the CUBS YEAR...
Don't worry Cub fans, it will all soon be over.

BTW, six months until another HS season begins. But here is a more perplexing question, now that my only son who is now driving (and enjoys his independence)can take himself to his offseason programs..would it be wrong for me to still tag along?? God, i am going to miss those days. So, on one hand i look forward to the season and to see the team and kids mature but on the other i wouldn't mind a long winter.
last nights game with the Cardinals vs Phillies has pretty well told me that the Cardinals cannot be a spoiler to anyone
All Memphis players-- used all pitchers and 28 players in 14 innings...still couldn't get the job done...
and for the out...Zambrano couldn't win the big one with 3 days rest but he can throw a tantrum in the dugout
Woodly, I decided for my mental health to boycott the Cardinals for the rest of the year. That lasted about 4 innings last night. I turned the game on (radio) and was able to hear Kip (I'm washed up) Wells walk his 3 and 4 hitters in his 2 innings of work. Next pitch to next hitter - off the wall and the 3-1 Cardinal's lead was erased. It just makes me sick. Here is the problem any fan has, it's like a drug, you have to watch it. However, it can make you real sick. AM I SICK TODAY! Spoiler??? Heck, they can's spoil milk.

Still, I love my Cardinals. (Now, I should have been able to hit post and leave this off but ...)
Well just when I say they cannot be a spoiler they win a big one against the Phillies... The Redbirds play hard but there just isn't good enough major league talent playing on their team right now and we definitely Have to Hope we can find some before next season...or.........its going to be another long, long, trying season..
Isn't it amazing how they keep filling those seats up in St Louis? How about Tony benching Ryan for swinging at a 3-0 pitch the other night....Didn't think I would ever see that in a major league game, ever.....but Tony DID IT!!!

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