So kid is at practice after school. On sidelines. Coach makes a "did you see how ____" comment. Teammate makes stupid comment about how my kid hit his head. Coach looks at his eyes and sends him to the trainer. He tells trainer that coach sent him because he "hit his head." He tells trainer that it didn't happen. But he as a slight headache. Trainer holds him out of practice and now he is out for a week to "recover."
Kid is positive he didn't hit his head on anything. Coaches didn't see it. Teammates didn't see it. There was no event or stoppage of play for an injury. He has no other symptoms.
Do parents approach trainer/coaching staff to figure out what is going on? I don't think that trainer confirmed anything with the coaches. Did not follow up his original baseline test. Not sure what to do, other than kid tells me to take him to the doctor (immediate care $300) so he can get a note. My gut tells me they are being overprotective but I wasn't there so I don't know what, if anything, happened. Help?