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i hope that im talking to a good bunch of catchers here, or at least ones with common sense. some people on my team refuse to wear cups. i know that where ever they play may not require one every play (or so they say), but wouldnt all you agree that a cup gives you a lot of confidence?

ive also had cups literally shatter. think if it wasnt there... yowzer
The butt... it talks...
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All catchers SHOULD be wearing a cup. In fact, NFHS requires catchers wear a cup. We have a kid who won't wear one when he pitches, but will when he plays 1B. The umpires tried forcing him to put one in earlier in a conference game after he took a fairly hard-hit ball to that region. They claimed it was in the book, but the book only stated that a catcher must wear one. Common sense tells ya everyone SHOULD wear oneWink
I feel naked without a cup on even while playing catch. I played long toss today with a buddy that plays independent ball, just was not as confident when he wanted to spin. Which leads to my next question. Does anybody else not like the feeling of baseball pants when you're not wearing a cup? It's just not right to wear pants with no cup.
I don't know if increasing confidence is the issue. I would think the fear of being struck in the groin might become an unneeded distraction, so taking care of business, so to speak, would eliminate a distraction.

I was constantly amazed to find, in youth coaching, that even as I moved up to older kids -- up to 14 years old! -- I had to start the season with "the cup talk" as part of my opening remarks. Couldn't believe how many kids would come to the first practice without one, apparently never having worn one in years of prior play -- and parents would look at you wide-eyed, like you were telling them something they'd never heard. Some acted like it was all some unnecessary imposition, as if I got some kickback off them spending $8 on a supporter/cup set.

"The cup talk" went like this:

"Everyone here should have a supporter with a cup, no exceptions. 'No exceptions' means YOU are to wear one, every practice and every game, every play.

"You are going to want to complain to me that they are uncomfortable. I already know this, so don't bother telling me. But if you think the cup is uncomfortable, try getting hit down there without one.

"In any event, this is not a debate. You will wear one or you will not play. So let's be clear on that."

Next practice, at the start I would ask if they had theirs on. Inevitably a few would not. I would tell them they could sit and listen, go home, or go get one and come back, but they could not participate. A few stubborn or forgetful people made it to a third practice without one, but by then we usually got the message across.
If a player isn't willing to wear a cup, he either doesn't understand the game or he's not taking it seriously. I would be surprised if a player over the age of JV didn't realize the (ahem) importance of a cup.

As for catchers, it's an obviousity. Even with a standard cup, my son took a hard foul tip off said piece of equipment, and one of the contents therein was ruptured. He now wears a metal kickboxing cup that weighs just under 3 pounds Eek with no problem at all as he fully inderstands the alternative!
i definetly see the point of a catcher wearing one.. allows u to block balls confidently.. but As a 1st basemen and Pitcher i dont feel a need to wear a cup. To me its just irritating as hell and my whole life of baseball (around 10 years) i've only been hit in that area once and Yes it hurt, but i can take a hit now and then. meeting
Originally posted by Kisling:
i definetly see the point of a catcher wearing one.. allows u to block balls confidently.. but As a 1st basemen and Pitcher i dont feel a need to wear a cup. To me its just irritating as hell and my whole life of baseball (around 10 years) i've only been hit in that area once and Yes it hurt, but i can take a hit now and then.

dude your lucky--2nd and pitcher--took a liner there playing jv my freshman year even with a cup it sucked

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