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Originally posted by Danny Boydston:
RJM, someone who is poll savvy might know how to fix that, I don't. HELP!!

One vote, and if you change the parameters I believe it voids all the previous votes. A special thanks to our IL and FL voters who historically get things messed up at times, rules had to be made.
Last edited by rz1
Originally posted by rz1:
One vote, and if you change the parameters I believe it voids all the previous votes. A special thanks to our IL and FL voters who historically get things messed up at times, rules had to be made.

This coming from a guy who's motto is, "everything goes better with cheese!" sheesh

The good news for RZ1, is that it's almost time to break that bad fruit punch shirt out of mothballs and go watch junior toss for the Yanks. Did you ever figure out that the reason every tender in every watering hole you go in, asks "what part of Wisconsin are you from", is because you order every drink with Brandy in it? Big Grin
Last edited by CPLZ
Originally posted by CPLZ:
The good news for RZ1, is that it's almost time to break that bad fruit punch shirt out of mothballs and go watch junior toss for the Yanks. Did you ever figure out that the reason every tender in every watering hole you go in, asks "what part of Wisconsin are you from", is because you order every drink with Brandy in it? Big Grin

Now I get it................Brandy, and I always thought my Dad was a beer guy.
Last edited by rz1
Just to try to steer it back where you wanted...I have a freshman in college playing, a Junior in HS on varsity playing and a freshman in HS on JV playing! We stay busy! When our two girls were playing softball we were spread very thin and forgot people at different ball fields on more than one occasion...We had 5 kids playing on 5 different fields around town one year!
Last edited by floridafan
Originally posted by El Kabong:
And something ain't right with that CPLZ guy. He can't even spell his own name right.

Kabong, You're lucky the judge ordered him to surrender his arsenal and not to leave the State Wink.

Not a good way to start off your posting career on the HSBBW by insulting an esteemed old timer. That attitude doesn't go too far here. The "hand" that bans users and ip's from this site for insulting comments lurks near. Let's just consider this incident a "lesson learned".

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