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Mr. Prado's business is a prime example of something that would have not been done in the "good old days".  He is using his liberty to become an entrepreneur who is focused on something he is passionate  Hats off to an innovator.


BTW...I don't know Mr. Prado and he has made no indications that he endorses me.  Ha! 


you completely and I mean completely missed my point.  Our son is a DI college baseball coach exploring every "innovative" method of identifying talent and recruiting and then coaching those talented players who meet the academic rigors at his University.  In my view, there is nothing "innovative" about what this coach did.  What he did was take advantage of the "innovation" provided by this site.

Perhaps we define and view "innovation" differently.  A few years back, a couple of those "same stale old participants" JH and CD started a HSBBW web broadcast. They attracted a number of baseball people including great HS coaches, college coaches, players, scouts, etc.

Now that was innovative.


A college coach making one post on this site looking for possible recruits: innovative?. Nope, not buying it. I have no problem with the coach posting what he posted. I could really care less. Where we veer at the fork is your comments on the "innovation"  and using the thread in deciding to throw stones in an offensive way toward those who still post here as "stale old participants."  If you feel that way, perhaps you should step up and be just as innovative as Bob Howdeshell and build, own and operate a different site!

My disagreement is not with the choice of the coach to post here. It is with you making the post to be something it isn't and then taking it one step further to make the "choice" to denigrate others in such a demeaning manner, like you know best.

Last edited by infielddad

+1 infielddad.


Ok mifdaddy step up to the plate, let's see what innovative ideas you can come up with, with ways to help the owner pay the bill each month.

Or did you think that this was all for free?

There are two types of peope that post here, the givers and the takers. I looked up your most recent posts, and I see you have never contributed much other than this topic. In fact, I see that you have gotten very little responses to any of your questions.



Innovative is not coming here and making one post asking if we know of any players interested, I could show many more innovative ways to accomplish that.

There's someone who posted about their program. It wasn't asking for referrals but rather posting info on games and how they were doing for the season, now that is innovative, they never asked once if interested in program contact so and so.  Not only was that much more innovative and creative, but respectful.



Last edited by TPM
Originally Posted by infielddad:

A few years back, a couple of those "same stale old participants" JH and CD started a HSBBW web broadcast. They attracted a number of baseball people including great HS coaches, college coaches, players, scouts, etc.


A routine both of us thoroughly enjoyed and would have continued. However, the number of listeners we had dwindled so small that it became more of a nuisance with no benefit than an enjoyable, thought-provoking experience. I guess those innovative new takers didn't care enough to listen in...


Count me in as someone who doesn't have a problem with the OP. Also count me in as an old timer who's been spending a lot less time around here because, frankly, the information being shared is repetitive, the folks sharing are often selfish and the interactions are often hostile. 


P.S. The radio show was the brainchild of CD and gotwoodforsale. I was just along for the ride and tried to help by sending a few emails reaching out to people and asking a few questions while interviewing. 


If anyone wants to listen, here's the link to the thread containing all of the past interviews we conducted: http://community.hsbaseballweb.../forum/hsbbweb-radio

Last edited by J H

The only thing that can help the owner pay the bills is to have an increasing membership who is willing to view the website.  This whole "giving" and "taking" thing has some merit, but not much.  The owners need people who "view" the site.  If that is "taking", then they are looking for "takers".  As long as those "takers" are also clicking on ads for goods and services, the owners will pay their bills.  They will have to walk a delicate line of looking for valuable content from those who are "givers" and enticing the "takers" into viewing ads.


One thing that will not help the owners is a group of people who scold and chastise the "takers" when they ask "stupid questions" or make "stupid statements" in the eyes of the "givers".  That will only drive away the exact people they need...those who are trying to gather information.  Like almost every forum on the internet, this one is changing and the financial element is likely becoming more important.  Like MANY forums on the internet, this one also has old guard members who can help it or ruin it.


I am a taker!  Who cares how many posts I have on this forum and how many people have responded?  I have a son who will play college baseball soon.  If I feel comfortable on this forum and can gather information to help in our quest, I will continue to be a taker.  There are several services that I would consider paying for to achieve our goals.  If I cannot find what I need here, I will look elsewhere. 


At one point, even the old guard didn't know EVERYTHING and had to learn.  It is probably very hard for them to imagine it now.  They should try.

Hey daddy (does he really call you that?)... you say proudly, "I am a taker!"


Actually, you're a clueless taker, who doesn't understand the first thing about how this site is funded. But why would you? You can just feast at the trough and berate those who provide the food because it's not always to your liking.


Prove me wrong. Donate $25.


Originally Posted by jp24:

Hey daddy (does he really call you that?)... you say proudly, "I am a taker!"


Actually, you're a clueless taker, who doesn't understand the first thing about how this site is funded. But why would you? You can just feast at the trough and berate those who provide the food because it's not always to your liking.


Prove me wrong. Donate $25.


Thanks for proving my point.

"I am a taker!  Who cares how many posts I have on this forum and how many people have responded?  I have a son who will play college baseball soon.  If I feel comfortable on this forum and can gather information to help in our quest, I will continue to be a taker.  There are several services that I would consider paying for to achieve our goals.  If I cannot find what I need here, I will look elsewhere."


mifdaddy, I have to assume you really mean this and this is the reason you are on this site and others.

My views/perspectives are as follows:

No matter how much you "take" from this site, it does not equate to "my son will play college baseball soon."

No matter how much you "pay" to "take" from other sites, it does not equate to "my son will play college baseball soon."

By and large, this site is about talking baseball with the primary focus of helping players be able to understand the process, move through and beyond HS baseball and be successful as a  player, teammate, and student.

Nothing you can "take" and nothing you can "pay" makes one bit of difference in the outcome you have already created that "my son will play college baseball soon."

It is more than ironic that your post comes almost contemporaneously with Stanwoods post in the General Forum.  His son is a really, really good player on one of the topic college programs. His son decided baseball isn't fun anymore and the forum post, to me, says everything which would be so helpful for you to stop and read and "take."

In my view and experience as a "stale oldtimer" the only things which matter on the issue of "my son will play college baseball soon" are the talents of your son, his make up, his ability to produce on a college baseball field,  and to be better every day on a college baseball field, all coupled with the ability to succeed in the classroom.

As a parent, nothing you "take" from here or elsewhere and nothing you "buy" from elsewhere makes any difference once your son attends that first team meeting, lifts that first weight, fields that first ground ball and takes that first AB.  Whether your son "plays" college baseball is up to your son and the choices he makes coupled with his skills and talents, and passion for the game.

Good luck to your son. 

















Sir...I truly understand everything you just stated and agree with all of it.  There are two very different points being discussed.  One of them is how the site makes money.  The other is the value of the site to the forum member.  Typing on a computer is not always the best method of communication (talking about my posts), and I was hoping to create a distance between the two topics. 


My views on the value of the site stand as stated.  I run my own business and believe that, even if you are doing something you love, you still need to pay the bills.  I believe this site pays the bills by viewers and advertisers...not solely through donations.  I also know that I could be absolutely wrong.


There are also 2 reasons I view this site.  One is for valuable information to help through the complicated process, and the other is for enjoyment through information about the game of baseball.  I share when I can and what I can.  My son's future in life and in baseball does not depend on this site or anything that I "take", "buy" or "give" to it.  It is simply a tool and source of enjoyment.  If it is more than that to others, I'm happy for them. 


I have told my son on more than 100 occasions that one of his options is to attend college as a student only, and I truly believe it is a fine option.  I am certainly not trying to talk him out of baseball.  I just want him to know that he is the one who decides what is best for him.  He has GREAT grades, he is wise, and he has a great work ethic.  Baseball will end one day for him.  If through baseball, he can attend a school that he would otherwise not be able to attend, we have won in life and the games of baseball and education.  He has not committed yet, but has standing offers from a high-academic mid-major program and a high-academic Big D1 program.  He will have other offers in June and July if he chooses to wait that long to commit.  No matter what direction he goes, we both know that he will need to crack the book, attend the classes and compete for a spot and put in the workouts.  Nothing is guaranteed.


I truly believe that you meant "good luck to your son."  Thank you.  I am grateful. 




Viewers have never paid to support this site.  That was one of the goals of its founder, Bob Howdeshell and has carried through with Julie. This site was founded by Bob based on his utter love and passion for the game and especially for those who play it, our sons.    To my knowledge, this site is funded by advertising and donations. Unlike the business you run and the one I run, this site is not a profit driven entity. It is  so unique and cherished by many, and I guess regretfully from your perspective, many  of us "stale oldtimers."

When jp24, who is a peer of yours, not one of us stale" posters asked you to donate $25, that was a reflection of one way many of us "give" and also "take" so this site continues and son's and families like yours can continue to have a place for the enjoyment of this wonderful game, so we can read about the next generation of players, and we can exchange experiences as diverse as those posted by stanwood and ClevelandDad. Many would love to hear and share your experiences and especially those of your son, should you choose to post about them.

While we might be "stale," I would expect every single one of us is cheering for your son to succeed at the next level and beyond.  Those who donate, those who advertise, and Julie's wonderful heart and kindness in owning and running the HSBBW as a free site with no charge for viewers make this possible.

. . 

Originally Posted by jp24:

Actually, you're a clueless taker, who doesn't understand the first thing about how this site is funded. But why would you? You can just feast at the trough and berate those who provide the food because it's not always to your liking.


Ha!  A man who goads like a child and uses an analogy to imply that I am a pig to him the farmer who provides my nourishment, is no peer of mine.  It is likely he will stay well outside the walls of the pen.  If he falls in, it is likely he will be eaten. 

"full of stale old hatchings by the same stale old participants."


That sorta sounds like goading and one might even suggest "goading" like child.   I am one of those "same stale old participants." What you have said does not define me. I tend to view myself as "seasoned" and "experienced."

What jp24 posted might have been a bit of "goading" but I would not be judging it on any comparative basis with yours. Both of you have sons, a passion for baseball and 100+ posts so certainly there is a peer component.  Plus, his was done with a view proving him wrong by  being a giver and donating $25.

Originally Posted by infielddad:

"full of stale old hatchings by the same stale old participants."


That sorta sounds like goading and one might even suggest "goading" like child.   I am one of those "same stale old participants." What you have said does not define me. I tend to view myself as "seasoned" and "experienced."

What jp24 posted might have been a bit of "goading" but I would not be judging it on any comparative basis with yours. Both of you have sons, a passion for baseball and 100+ posts so certainly there is a peer component.  Plus, his was done with a view proving him wrong by  being a giver and donating $25.

I wouldn't be on the site if I did not find some of the contributors to be full of knowledge.  Ironically, I find the experiences of the under-informed (like me) more helpful than I do the "seasoned" and "experienced".  It was very easy to see after only a short time here that there is also a group of extremely opinionated people who jump into many topics to command them rather than contributing.  I think it is very clear, and have also read the frustrations of others who have felt it too.  You may not agree.  So be it.  I get more enjoyment from those who are sharing current data and hearing about the successes and learning opportunities.  I don't enjoy when someone jumps in and makes an absolute statement about how it is and how it should be.  It happens often.  Things change and evolve.

My comment about givers and takers was not meant to be derogatory.  This is how I view this site and I have been here for a very long time (makes me one of those stale posters).

jp I understand your frustration. No one has to give anything monetarily or their time to help others here. That's their perogative. What I don't understand is why someone would come here and insult. I still have yet to figure out how the OP was innovative.


I don't think that mif realizes that there are certain rules that pretain to college recruiters for any division. Lots of people know about the HSBBW, lots of college coaches, but isn't it funny that they don't  come here to advertise for potential players, no matter how large or small their program or their budget is?


I have an opinion on the original post, I don't think how the OP went about business here was appropriate, there are so many other ways to get attention and that is my preogative to say it.






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