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Hi All,

13 y.o. son is in process of learning a curve. First game last night and he threw a few curves. It breaks pretty well, (down and away from a right handed batter) but, the pitches are all inside. He is a righty pitcher.

Is this a release point issue, follow through issue or something else? Son thinks that he needs to "get on top of the ball more"....

It is a work in progress for sure. No video, I was huddled in my blanket trying to keep warm!
Any thoughts or suggestions gladly appreciated.
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Thanks for the replies.

I agree practice will bring consistency. I have reached the point where I don't know enough to be dangerous in regards to pitching. Smile

Just trying to understand the whats and hows a little.

It is fun (nerve racking) to watch as they develop.

Remember when "anywhere close to the plate without hitting the batter" was the goal?

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