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In talking to some of the kids that played ball at my school last year and committed to a local JUCO program, I found out that they had 13 D1 transfers regsiter at their school this fall......I have not found out the breakdown of positions/pitchers yet.

Just curious to know what everyone one else is seeing when it comes to these kind of it more postion players looking for more play time or are there just as many pitchers transfering also?

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I have no doubt playing time can be a motivating factor. However there are plenty of other reason such as homesickness, displeasure with the college atmosphere, struggling with the academic rigors, small fish in a big pond feeling the kids cannot adjust to, etc.
Those are just a few of the reasons I've heard from parents and kids who decided to leave their D1 school for a JUCO. Of course doing a 4-2-4 transfer can aid in changing schools without losing a year of playing time. So if the school is not the right fit for a variety of reasons, it can make sense.

As to the breakdown between position players and pitchers, I have heard of both doing it. My guess would be that position players might be more inclined to switch for playing time if they see guys ahead of them that might take 2-3 years for them to get their shot. Still I know several that were just homesick, so they went JUCO to be near home.

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