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Originally posted by dazed63:
So how do you then gauge D3 schools making initial contact in July talking about visits in August?

New to this game so any input will be greatly appreciated.

If they call you and the coach makes a strong pitch, they are very interested. Especially, if they tell you how they can use you. If they send you mail/email. . .not so much, unless it is a personal email to you saying something like "I think you can play here, are you interested?" Long emails are generally form emails, short and to the point are often a better sign of interest.

To gauge interest, call the coach directly and ask him. He will tell you. If he doesn't call back, he's not interested.
Thank you for that advice.

My son has since received a nice personal letter from one coach (2nd letter) and he has responded nicely in an email to his summer coach saying my son is high on their list.

One school was interested but has kinda cooled off IMO. I was going to ask if he should just call and ask if there is still interest but you answered my question.

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