Greetings to all,
A recent injury to one of our elite pitchers (team light blue) got me thinking about how schools at different levels respond to these situations. In the case of the pitcher that started this, our elite program initiated a high quality response to diagnosing, treating, monitoring, and basically doing everything possible to ensure that he recovers and is able to take the field again. Top-shelf programs have many incentives to doing the right thing to rehab their athletes.
How does this change in the case of a typical (low budget) D3 program? In the case of an injury, are the parents on their own in seeking a diagnosis, remedy, and rehab program, or is there an interest there to the D3 program as well? I'm not really asking whether they WANT to do the right thing, but rather given the realities of their situations, what CAN they do? If a TJ is required, does a D3 foot the bill for this as I assume that a D1 will?
Anecdotes and personal experiences welcome...