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I think if kids today could have seen the Clemente's, Rose's, Seaver's, May's, Aaron's, Yount's, of yesterday play, they would see a different type player than what comes out of todays game. The way kids were brought up, lifes priorities, politics, economics, racism, $, all factor into a players make-up. Now the evil rz1 comes out and asks...

Factor in those "outside the lines" issues. What if those fore mentioned players were early in their MLB careers playing in todays game, would we be seeing a different player now, versus when they played? better/worse?

Even though todays players overall may be better conditioned, have more organized ball under their belt from their youth, and better training tools, should they be better players? If not Why?
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Great question tough to answer as you stated make up of individuals then versus individuals today.
How they were raised and what there experiences were from TV parents, parents work ethic and how that behavior molded kids then expecatations from parents then vs. now peer groups,

Kids today expect everything in the now the becasue of what and how quick we get info and stuff today from the interent.
There are so many reasons as to why it becomes so difficult to answer the question not really apples to apples comparision IMHO. Not to mention how many single working parents there are in communities today versus then.

The gen Xer's today versus baby boomers.

I would hope they would be no different now versus then.
I don't know if they should be better players, but I think they definitely could be better players for the reasons rz1 mentioned (training tools, conditioning and the like). I think that the main difference is that for every innovation and advancement that the youth of today have, they lack in the hard working mentaility and dedication for yesteryear. It reminds me of something Rose said, I think it went "I would run through hell in a gasoline suit to play baseball". How many of today's players would do that?

We see lots of players every year with unbelievable work ethic and unmatched dedication. I think you would be surprised how many would do almost anything to play baseball. Some even do illegal things that endanger their health and even their life to succeed in baseball.

We have much more technology and comfort than old timers had, but there still exsists a lot of very hungry kids with great big hearts!

Granted the percentage of those hard working types might be lower today, but there are still some of them around. And it's fun when you get a chance to see them! That is the ones doing it legally!
Last edited by PGStaff
That's why I envy you and many others on this board. To get to see so many young men on a daily basis who would give up everything they have, the XBox, the girlfriends, the nice car, to have the slightest chance to make their baseball dreams come true. Nothing better than someone that is truly passionate about what they do, no matter what that is.

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