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Video: Bobby Hebert tears into Les Miles

The fact that Hebert's son lost his starting spot during the season for the Tigers interjects another angle of sour grapes into the situation as well.

Today's helicopter parents don't stop at Little League. That's for sure.
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95% of the time, parents need to be seen and not heard; whether they have a bias or not, the perception of bias is overwhelming.

The kid whose dad fussed in a newspaper column about his basketball playing time? Just unreal and the kid I'm sure is looking for a rock under which to crawl.

Must be something in the air...

Speaking of Tebow... Big Grin

p.s. Kudos to Coach Miles for staying calm.
Last edited by hokieone
I thought it was a legitimate question and wasn't out of line. The way he asked the question and went on his rant was out of line. I don't care who you are nobody has a right to shoot off at the mouth like he did. You look at when coaches lose it and go off during a press conference - they get hammered by everybody. Same goes here - never should have mouthed off no matter if you're mad because your son lost his spot or the game.
I think that was the point. His rant was a result of his kid getting benched, not the question itself. The question was legit. Otherwise, he wouldn't have shot off is mouth instead of asking a direct question as a member of the press.

It just goes to show that ex-athlete parents are no different than non-ex-athlete parents when it comes to playing time for their kids. I've often heard that ex-athlete parents get it where non ex-athlete parents don't but I've never bought in to that notion. Sure, the ex-athlete knows the game and what goes into it but it don't make them a more rational parent when it comes to their kid. This example proves it.
Last edited by zombywoof
Originally posted by AntzDad:
Ha, sometimes I rant much worse than that during Eagles' games. Our parrot has been in the same room for 21 NFL seasons. He knows the drill. You should hear some of the stuff he says. Eek

That's very funny Ant. If that bird lived in my house he would think that Andy was the coaches middle name.
After the first time LSU had the ball in the 2nd half I sat there thinking to myself. "Ok the game plan you came in with is not working. Maybe its time you brought in Lee and just see if he can spark the team. Throw the ball downfield and see if you can stretch the defense. Maybe you hit one? Maybe you get a PI? Maybe you stretch the D and are able to work some underneath stuff because of it? Do something different because what you are trying to do is not working and its not going to change. So the question imo was legit.

But the problem I had with it was not the question but the way it was presented. First of all your talking to a coach that just got it handed to him in the NC game. You know he is hurting big time for his players and his program. You know that it is a very tough time for him. The question could have been asked but in a different tone. And the fact your son was benced during the year and the way you asked the question just made it appear to be sour grapes even if it was not sour grapes.

I have been around some high profile dads in the past. From former ML Skippers to former big league players. They have really had a hard time excepting it when their kids are not as good as they were. They have a hard time not being in control of things. Not all of them I am sure but certainly the ones I have been around. Dont assume because someone has played at the highest levels or coached at the highest levels they do things the right way. It simply doesnt work that way in many cases.

By the way LSU beat Oregon. There defense was tremendous and played great Monday night. It was their offense that continued to leave the defense on the field. There was no one that was going to be Alabama Monday night. That was the most dominating defense I have ever seen at the college level. Alabama left no doubt. I doubt Lee would have made a difference but at some point and time I think Les should have gave it a shot. I think the question was legit. It was the way it was asked I have issues with. JMO

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