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The Dallas Spikes Baseball Organization will be expanding this summer. Currently, the Spikes are undefeated in the varsity BBI league with mainly a 17U team. We will be expanding to 2 teams this summer, (16U & 17U).

All of our practices during the summer will be at Mountain View College or Hillcrest High School. We will be practicing 2-3 times a week (3-4 hour practices), have double header league games during the week and play in 5-6 tournaments.

It is not set in stone but we will probably have Coach Chris Chernisky (former Division 1 University Head coach) run our practices. If you want your son to know what it feels like to play college baseball.... this is the team.

Advantages for playing with the Spikes:
1. All Head Coaches will be current college coaches.
2. Every player will have access to right view pro, a $2500 video analysis system.
3. More practice time than 99% of other select teams.
4. Practices will most likely be ran by a former division 1 head coach.

If anyone is interested in trying out, please email
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