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ESPN had a piece on him a couple of months ago. They said he basically crashed and burned on the FL baseball scene. Coaches interviewed said he showed up when he wanted to, didn't have the skill set they were told he had, basically wasn't a good ballplayer. At the end of the piece it was reported that he'd returned to NY and was playing with coaches who professed him to be a great player.
This post seems dead, but I figured I might fill it in with the info I know.

Almonte is back playing with Monroe HS from Washington Heights. I saw him play just last weekend. I would say he was consistently 86-87ish but had a devastating curve. He works quickly and his motion hasn't really changed since his Little League days, and he is still always around the plate. No word on a college yet, I spoke briefly with the Monroe coach during the game (my dad and I were standing behind their bench) and he said right now JC looks best if pro ball doesn't come knocking. He pitched 4 innings and gave up 1 hit then came out for Rafael Cabreja, a centerfielder who hit one to dead center about 450 ft. and threw 93 mph from the mound.
Quite a team they got down in the Bronx
Coach Merc-

Thanks a lot. It was pretty cool to wake up and see your picture on the front page Smile lol. As for the Kennedy game, I didn't hear about that but I am friends with Myckie Lugbauer (apparently your son's only competition) and I spoke to an umpire named Sal LaGrande (spelling?) (my dad is an umpire, so he knows all these guys) who said that your son has an absolute cannon and is an exciting player to watch, so it would have definitely been great to play against you guys. But who knows, come sectional time there's always tune up games needed and that could be a perfect opportunity Smile.

As for playing against the Clippers, I'm sure I will. So far we (Team NY) is going to the BCS, East Cobb, the CABA Nationals in Cleveland, College Select in Rhode Island and @ Coastal Carolina. We don't have a schedule yet, but it will probably include the Clippers most likely.

Thanks again and keep in touch.

Last edited by J H

From what I saw his character seemed fine. When Cabreja hit the home run he was the first off the bench to congratulate him. He hit an opposing batter and the batter fell, and he jogged to home plate and was the first to get there and see if he was all right. Seems like a good kid to me
BBCoach- I don't think you offended anyone, just some questions. Just don't forget that he was somewhat in the dark back in Little League, not that he isn't at fault for what happened. But at that stage in your life, when all the adult figures around you are urging you to continue doing what you're doing, you're going to do it whether or not it's right or wrong, I'll be 16 next Sunday and I'm just learning new things and being able to take on maturity and responsibility. He was 14, didn't speak English and was a national celebrity. He saw no fault in that.

As for him showing up when he wants, that's not the case at all. He went down to Florida for his junior year, and was informed that because of the school transfer rules would not be able to play for an entire year down there. By time he was able to move back to New York, it was too late, and the entire season had gone by him. That should probably explain the sudden drop in discussion about him. But trust me, if he keeps throwing that curve, he'll end up somewhere good.

JH - Did he play for a summer team in FL? The coaches interviewed in the ESPN piece absolutely stated that he showed up when he wanted to and that excuses ranged from "I didn't have a ride" to "I didn't know there was practice". Discussion on attitude indicated he thought he was so good that the rules didn't apply to him. Conversely, interviews with the coach at the HS in NY indicated he's the perfest student athlete - the kind of player every coach hopes to have. The piece showed both sides of the story and left more questions than answers. Danny may land someplace, but I'd be willing to bet if a team has a vested interest in him that they'll keep him on a short leash and make sure he has a decent mentor until he proves he is a responsible ballplayer. He may be a terrific young man, but given his history and the ethics of the adults around him, he (like every other ballplayer out there) is going to have to prove himself.
Thanks TRHit, same here.

KMom- I don't know about a summer team in Florida. I only heard about this "through the grapevine". That could be the case, however I think that both reports you've heard are probably exaggerations. I wouldn't say he's the best student-athlete just by personal judgement, but I wouldn't say he'd blow off a team like that either. He still loves the game, that's very evident.
The Bombers coaches were in the ESPN interview and their comments weren't favorable. Did a google search and found another discusion on the topic including some of the things the coaches had to say.

Its from last August - just after the ESPN piece aired.

I don't know Danny Almonte or the Bombers coaches or the coaches in NY. I do know that I watched Danny pitch in the LLWS and thought he was amazing. The situation he was in at the time was orchestrated by adults for their own gain and that's unfortunate, and JH, I hope you're right. I really do hope he still loves the game, that he's a talented, dedicated ballplayer, and that he'll have the opportunity to succeed. It would be great to see him come full circle.
I really feel for this kid. He has been under a heavy spotlight since he was 14 and although it is partly his fault (I don’t care what language you speak, in the language of baseball, LL is 12 and under Smile ) the majority of the blame must be shouldered by the adults involved.

Am I correct in my understanding that the adults who perpetrated this fiasco in LL are the same adults he now plays for in HS in NY? How can any legitimate baseball organization allow these people to continue to be part of baseball???

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