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Some minor adjustments to the swing.

Improvements,yes or no? We actually incorporated a little of everything that people suggested.

I am pitching low and I feel she is making some good adjustments getting to them.

AND,the last 3 were full size wiffle balls that just about took my head off. Eek

Hard to believe this was just last spring
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Originally posted by CoachB25:
I see a lot of improvement. How is she hitting in practice with her hs team?

Right now they are only hitting off the machine but she tried narrow last night and was not having any succes and the coach told her to stay wide.

She is more relaxed(removed some tension from front elbow) and got the feet right(pointed at the plate).That created a much more fluid swing imo and she is much more able to adjust to what I was doing.You may not be able to tell in the video but I was pitching all over the place and really trying to keep it low,that was always the hardest pitch for her and she seems to be driving it with authority.I was also changing speeds and even though I was only 10-12 feet away,she was adjusting.
Last edited by tfox

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