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Hi Ya'll! I'm's been quite awhile since I've had anything positive to say I just decided to take a much needed sabbatical(?).However,I now have something to report that really makes me proud...more proud than anything Duke has ever done in baseball...up 'til now.
He transferred to a new school this Mississippi...9 hrs. away...but it has made a world of difference for him, both in academics and in baseball.
"Wildcats Win In Classroom As Well"
I hope this works,I'm still learning all this computer technology.'s good to be back and especially good to have something positive to report.Thanks to all of ya'll who were concerned and asked about me and Duke from time to time...hopefully,things have turned around for the Duke and Duke's Mom!!! Whatever the future holds is not for us to know...but as for the present...Life Is Good Once Again!! I'm finally looking at my handsome son's face(I hadn't seen him in nearly 6 MONTHS...that's the longest time we have ever been apart)and enjoying the changes in his behavior and mannerisms...he has matured so much and is finally growing into the wonderful young man I always knew he could be!! I hope everyone here has had as wonderful a Christmas as me and my family. God Bless Us...One and All!
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Your post has just made my day! I was worried about you for awhile and asked if anyone had heard from you and then I found out about the transfer. I am so happy for you and of course for John know I have been pulling for him for several years now and I know how much you have loved and supported him. I do hope you will be able to make the long trip to see him play some this season. Please convey our congrats to Duke and tell him his old buddy Ryan and family are very proud of him and will be looking forward to more great news from him in the future. You have every reason to be a very proud mama right now. party


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