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I’ve finally gotten out of the development/testing mode for my scorekeeping program, and into the final phase of preparing it for actual use in the HS environment rather than the test environment, which has been using MLB for tests. You may not think so, but there are LOTS of differences, most of them being the SK getting all the info necessary to do his/her job.

In general, things are much the same between HSB and MLB for things like who’s batting, what happened, and how things ended up, but there’s one little thing that makes so very much difference. During the regular course of a game, when the manager of the team batting sends in a pinch hitter, its very seldom even in MLB that anyone is sure of anything other than the player who is being batted for won’t be in the lineup anymore.

No one really knows that when the team goes out on defense, if the manager’s going to move players around in the field, or substitute another player for the one just put in, and in the case of HSB where there’s a re-entry rule, whether the original player could be going back in. It very seldom makes any difference in the hitting stats, and doesn’t make a lot of difference in the pitching stats, but it sure does play hell with the fielding stats!

I’ve tinkered around with various ways to make sure I generate accurate defensive stats, but try as I might, I haven’t been able to find a way to make sure I have the right player playing every position for every play. I’ve got it down to where I’m confident that if I pay very very close attention, my numbers will be pretty good, but there’s no way I can see to be 100% accurate, and it really bugs me. I guess I’ll have to see what happens, and make adjustments as the season goes on.
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