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He's the type of coach that thinks it's his strategies that win the game, and the kid's fault when they lose. I've also heard him tell potential recruits not to bother..".all my kids are 6'2 and cut out of're too small..." Their 3rd base coach is a problem, too. He might be the only coach I've seen that actually talks *$#@ to the opposition more than any other player. They have talented teams...but..
I'll be honest...I'm basing this mostly off of other coaches opinions...I was an assistant coach against their club years ago. I have heard this opinion from several coaches though...And have known kids from their program who gave me insight into their attitude, which is basically "we run a first-rate program and every one else is a joke".

BTW, never to take away from their abilty on the field. They're a good team, probably always will be.


I do not know you nor what your intentions and experience are-- many know that one on one I will speak openly regarding coaches I KNOW OF-- but to openly on a forum like this --this is not the place-- there are schools I wont send any of our players to but I will not speak ill of caoches on here for "sharks" like you to prey on--that is between me and the nperson on the phone

Have you ever seen me downgrade by name a coach or any program in public? Will never happen

I would suggest that you open your eyes and have respect for what others may know--not just me but all others

What is your experience and background in judging coaches ? Your profile tells me a lot!!

Call me and talk to me like a man


I am waiting if you have the guts to call and name the coaches you have in mind--I dont think you can--better yet list them here
My intentions are obvious! You protect all coaches! No one is asking you to bash any one!
"Other coaches may be jealous of his success"Is that not protecting a coach! I have called you before! You never showed me the courtesy of calling back! Parents and kids need to know who is an honorable coach! Your protection is not fair! A no comment is not trashing a coach! Disputing someones elses opinion is not fair! After all it is their opinion!
I'll chime in family knows someone who used to work at DeSales, and my brother looked into the school by contacting Coach Neiman. It basically took 75 seconds for my brother to cross off DeSales, because for 40 of those seconds, Neiman told him that he doesn't really recruit pitchers like him and that it would be a big uphill battle for him....

Coincidentally, my brother was 2nd team all-NESCAC last year at a sophomore who missed the entire offseason because of rotator cuff problems...pretty sure that uphill battle would have suited him just fine...
You another cyberspace invisible person--

Yes I have talked down on coaches--but I wont do it in public forum such as this so people like you cannot continue to defame--if anyone wants info they know my number and can call--and many do- and they can tell you the scoop if they so desire

I see no need to defame a college coach on an open forum where most posters such as you do not have the guts to say who they are

To my fault and then some I am an open book-- but I am real pal-- I would much prefer to be real and then take the arrows that are slung my way--ouch--there is another one!


God love you Dd!!!
Whoa! Where did I or anyone defame a coach? I said,"Do not protect a coach"! You jump to defend coaches whereas you should not say anything! Do you honestly believe that ALL coaches are honorable and truly care about each and every player! That some are on an ego trip and their number one priotity is winning! You are either very naive or not honest!
The way I'm seeing it is TR is saying that there is a correct place for open critisism of a individual(coach). Doing it anonymously in a public forum such as here is not his syle. I absolutely agree.
Hey Slim, take a pill and relax. You sound like you have an axe to grind, maybe someone never got the message.
Has there been any coaching changes at DeSales recently? Coincidentally, just today, my son received a nice handwritten note from DeSales Baseball wishing him luck in his '06 season. But it's signed by a Coach Burlee? Can't find his name anywhere on the 2005 website. They can't be ALL bad if they're making nice with an '07 catcher from Massachusetts!

Not a case of protecting a coach but much more noty allowing posters like you to make unsubstantiated remarks about coaches--a few months back an misinformed poster was all over the Temple coaching situation making remarks about who was getting the job--by naming names not in the mix they were endangering recruiting effortsd of certain coaches they named.

All too many just pass along rumors with no basis ither than they heard it from so and so.

When you do not the facts you are best to keep your mouth shut-- and yes if you or any poster makes ill informed posts I will protect the coach in question

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