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Name calling how mature! You do not know anything about me or my kids! We do know that you are not telling the truth! You constantly avoid the issue! What is more scary is that a man who lacks integrity is giving other people advise! When I make a mistake I tell my kids "I was wrong!" I made my point and people now know what you are like! Many people are saying why does't TR just post his derogatory remarks if he said them! There are none! You do not have the guts to admit IT!
So, um, ahem....any updates on the DeSales coaching situation? Coach "Burke" still nowhere to be found on the website. My son wants to know who to send his schedules to. And that reminds me of a question I had. If a player originally sends an intro letter to the Head Coach of a team (which I think is only right) but most of the correspondence (sic?) he receives back is from an assistant, or recruiting person, should he continue to address his future letters to the head coach, or should he send them to the assistant/recruiter?

i have some pretty good info on desales and know a decent amount ab the schoool. they recruited me hard but i decided on lehigh. i live in easton, about 20 min from desales. a former assistant coach (nolan neimann, son of head coach) accepted a job offer at UPenn. I talked with him and know him personally as a really good guy. Not too much first hand experience with the head coach though.
good luck

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