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You guys know I only come out of the wood works when something is said that I just can’t stay silent.

First off YES I have helped Brad when he has asked me to help. But it is my understanding that he has also talks on the phone to Tommy, Logan, Eddie, ect….

I only help him when I can. I am not very familiar with the younger age groups so I am not much help there. But it bothers me when people say that Brad is only in bed with the Mustangs. He has expressed to me a number of times that he can’t make this a DBAT Mustang thing. So I truly believe this works against some of our players.

Look at it this way. We have around 46 teams and we have 7 or 8 guys listed out of 22 or so. The Dallas NY Yankees have one team and they had 2 guys on the listed. So does that mean the Mustangs got cheated? If you look at the numbers we have 46 teams and lets just say the Tigers have 17 teams and the Patriots have 20 teams. Does this mean we should have less then them?

Also what is the difference in what I see every day on this site. Top teams in 5 4 A, Best 16 year olds, bah bah bah….. You daddy’s can speak but Brad can’t. He has more baseball knowledge then most of you have forgotten.

I looked at all the negative commits and tried to PM all of them and none of them have email address or real names. Most have less than 15 post. That tells me that they are cowards and they are fake. These are people that little Johnny was not on the list and just had to say something.

Everyone has an opinion and that is what makes America Great. I was talking to a cross checker the other day and he told me who he thought the best 5 guys was in DFW were. I completely disagreed with him and that’s ok. We will always disagree with list that other people make.

I will only say one thing about the HS Baseball reports list. He hit it on the nose when he said that Bobby Whitt Jr is the best 9 year old. That kid is the real deal….. The rest of it I could care less.
Last edited by KCR
Brad your next list should be the Nightmare dad All-star team. Please call me I can really help with this one. 7 of the 9 starters post on this site. I am sure Tommy, and Logan could help also.

And for you that are wondering at this point if you would make the list you are probably hitting in the 3 hole.

Had a Big 12 coach call me this week and ask me about a kid. I will Quote what I said "Kid is a good kid Dad is a nightmare". I wonder if he called???
Originally posted by KCR:
Brad your next list should be the Nightmare dad All-star team. Please call me I can really help with this one. 7 of the 9 starters post on this site. I am sure Tommy, and Logan could help also.

And for you that are wondering at this point if you would make the list you are probably hitting in the 3 hole.

Had a Big 12 coach call me this week and ask me about a kid. I will Quote what I said "Kid is a good kid Dad is a nightmare". I wonder if he called???


It is sad when sometimes a parent can hinder a prospects chances due to their personality. It seems the less parents know about baseball the worse they are.

Lists are lists... You'll never make everyone happy so why try... lol


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