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Coaches are usually on the hot seat if actual performance does not match expectations or if the team is not competitive. A few programs listed below could put their coach on the hot seat. Here are my top 5:


Cowboys under performed in 2008 with early playoff exit. 2009 expectations are highest since Jason Stokes era. Talented senior group led by ss/p (OU recruit/Area Code), outfielder (ASU/AFLAC), and catcher (UT/AFLAC & Area Code) plus outstanding support cast. Cowboys are loaded. Goal: State championship or bust.


Outstanding pitching staff returns in 2009. Lots of D1 talent in program. Fans very disappointed with 2008 performance. Heritage 2008 & 2009 players currently enjoying huge select seasons with top tier programs. Goal: Turn program around in 2009 and go deep into playoffs


2008 team led by departed crafty pitcher and senior class. Talented catcher returns but little else remains. JV players must fill holes. Some projected 2009 starters are not even playing summer ball. Jesuit moved into arguably most competitive 5A district in Texas with Allen, Plan West, and other powers. Goal: Avoid being knocked out early in most games and win 2-3 district games.


Flower Mound HS’s unexpected and exciting 2008 playoff run sets the bar for cross-town rival Marcus. Grace period for new coach will end by March. Goal: Contend for district crown now.


Enjoyed outstanding inaugural varsity season in 2007. Huge letdown in 2008 – mugged by district heavyweights. Roster includes numerous talented players. Goal: Win district.
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There is a program here in San Antonio that is chock full of on the state All Star team...many D2 signees....most of whom would have had a legitimate shot at D1 if they had played on a higher-profile select team....just didn't get the exposure. For the past couple of years, many have predicted that the team would go DEEP into the playoffs. Last year, the team didn't even make the playoffs....this year, out in the first round as the 4-seed.

Some blame the coach, who doesn't like to play small ball and is said to focus a lot more on velocity than finesse. Many others, however, put the blame mostly on the players. Big egos, me-first versus team-first mentality.

That can be a problem when you have a team full of talented players. If they do not sacrifice individual goals/desires for the needs of the team, the team can definitely suffer as a result.
Last edited by Infield08
I do not think that the Marcus coach is on the hot seat if they do not "contend" for a district title. With Flower Mound, Carroll and Coppell in that district making the playoffs is great...get in and then see how far you can go. Fact is, that the 3rd place team in that district would win some other districts. I am not sure winning the district is as important as you might think.

Just my opinion!
Originally posted by SWAC:
I believe we need to start a topic Parents on the Hot Seat where the high school coaches underachieve because of their actions.

Witnessed this very action this past weekend as a coach was tossed because of his parent's abrasive behavior towards the umps.

DFW Coach G: I see you have no problem calling out a coach. Do you care to come out from behind your pseudonym?

Collikar: Karen Collins
Last edited by collikar
Yep, pretty chicken coming on here and spreading manure about men's jobs and careers, careers they chose so they could try to educate kids! Fact of the matter is, you have ABSOLUTELY no idea if any of this garbage is true! You are doing nothing but acting like a little kid spreading rumors about people to try and stir something up.
How about you crawl back under your rock and SHUT UP!
The most important questions are:

Does the coach know the game?

Does the coach know how to lead players?

Is the coach fair?

Does the coach have good parent relationships but the does not let parents set the roster?

Can the coach teach baseball?

Does the coach look out for the best interest of his players?

If your coach has these skills, you better not let him get away. The program may go through ups and downs. In the long run, this coach will have a winning program. I would rather my son be a part a team that has these traits on a good team, than win a state championship for a knucklehead coach. I know most will not agree, that is just how my son and I feel. (I did ask him)
Collikar:'s quiet .... perhaps 2011 son did not make 2008 Varsity Roster Big Grin parents

This topic has blamed the coaches, players, and parents. What about the Siblings, Aunts, Uncles, Second Cousins, and the family dog. Roll Eyes

In regards to Heritage 2008 I will stick to the fact we were not able to run all the black cats off the field! THAT's BASEBALL!
You know I think it is just wrong for people to come on the board and start these kind of rumors. You people who started this need to get a grip. I have said this before on this forum and will say it again. These men have families who depend on their salaries. How would you like to see your name on a message board where people were commenting whether you should retain your job or not? You need to put things back into perspective and realize this is just a game. JMO
Originally posted by Ringer1:
You know I think it is just wrong for people to come on the board and start these kind of rumors. You people who started this need to get a grip. I have said this before on this forum and will say it again. These men have families who depend on their salaries. How would you like to see your name on a message board where people were commenting whether you should retain your job or not? You need to put things back into perspective and realize this is just a game. JMO

Ringer1 excellent point. People that call out others really don't care about anyone other than their own personal gain. The comments by DFWCoachG is so unprofessional and that person should be ashame of their actions. I happen to personally know the coach he mentioned and he is an excellent coach and a very good person. I really don't know the person that started this post but how would you feel if a post was started about your career and the effect it could potentially have on your family? I think really bad.

I hope that Panther Dad or Keller Dad reads this post and closes it down.

Ok here is the new Thread

"High School Baseball Web Posters on the Hot Seat"

Here is the first post:

Delete DFWCoachG for not being a professional.
Last edited by SWAC
I think many of you need to lighten up. It's an opinion -- nothing more -- and these men's jobs have nothing to do with this message board. Isn't "hot seat" an expression meaning that there are high expectations? Who said anything about being fired? Let's remember that this is Texas. Baseball coaches don't generally get fired for their team's performance unless there are other factors at work....I know there are occasional exceptions.

You guys should read the football message boards -- oh my.

Good post, KDM.
Last edited by Panther Dad
Reading this thread the thought that came to my mind was that as a coach being on the hotseat or thinking you are on the hotseat isn't always such a bad thing because it might be the motivation that drives a coach to success. Sometimes a hotseat may be self imposed (as personal motivation) or it might be imposed by other means (i.e. outside influences). This drive, created by the hotseat, might just be one of the strongest catalysts that the coach needs to lead the team to successful season.

And for some coaches not thinking/being on the hotseat might just be the complicacy that ends a season in failure and underproduction of his players.

Calling out coaches isn't proper just as it is not our policy to call out players. If you have a problem/issue with your coach then deal with it at the source not on the boards.

As much as several of us have wanted to call out coaches in the past we have learned to bite our tongues Razz, learned to be P.C Frown. and learned how to use the PM's Wink to our benefit.
Last edited by oldbat-never
I removed his reference to a coach, by name. There have been numerous topics here regarding underachieving teams. I think being on the hotseat to a greater extent might actually be a good thing for some programs. Most coaches set goals based on a realistic view of their team's potential -- and they can tell you after the season whether their team underachieved.

And to a large degree, expectations are set by people that have no view into the actual programs. So, the newspaper people and the message board people pick teams that "should" win district and make deep playoff runs.
It seems to me the one thing everyone overlooks about high school coaches is they get the players they get. Everyone on this board knows chemistry plays a huge part in a successful baseball team, summer or school. The H.S. coach has no choice in the chemistry department. Lets face it, there are adults that are good people and adults that are jerks. It is the same with kids, just because a team has kids with D1 talent does not automatically make it a championship team. If the D1 talented kids are kreepy, the team may not be that good. You can't blame the coach for that.
Originally posted by Panther Dad:
I think many of you need to lighten up. It's an opinion -- nothing more -- and these men's jobs have nothing to do with this message board. Isn't "hot seat" an expression meaning that there are high expectations? Who said anything about being fired? Let's remember that this is Texas. Baseball coaches don't generally get fired for their team's performance unless there are other factors at work....I know there are occasional exceptions.

You guys should read the football message boards -- oh my.

Good post, KDM.

As I agree...

Although I find it ironic that coaches are open game yet players aren't.

Just sayin' regards,
Ok, let's back up -- have any of you actually gone and reread the original post? How are the coaches "open game"? Not one of us here -- including Coppell parents -- disagree with his assessment concerning the Cowboys in 2009.

Personally, I don't see how Jesuit and Marcus coaches are on a hot seat, but **shrug**. Hawkman hit the nail on the head ---- the entire TEAM must take blame for underachieving. Most coaches recognize their team's potential and are man enough to admit success or failure at season end. This topic should not bother them -- why does it bother you all so much?

Funneldrill -- pitch in.

With all that said...

I think the topic is the biggest time waster anyhow.

If folks actually put importance on winning percentages and post season in regards to coaching...............

They just don't get it to begin with.

In conclusion, to put any coach on the "hot seat" for anything other than his ability to enhance young men is rediculous. If I'm a AD I'm looking for a good role model. If wins come from that it's icing on the cake.
Originally posted by Panther Dad:
KG -- most topics at this time of the year are time wasters -- see the topic on "18U/17U postseason tournaments, is AABC still top dog?"

I actually thought that one was one of the few that had value here. Having Jerry explain how different venues precieve things is nice to know. How the AFLAC is ran from behind the scenes. It was informative in my opinion.

But for the most part, your right, this forum is 99% time wasting material.

It would be like a bunch of folks sharing their opinons on law practice or government procedures with nothing more than a HS diploma.

But it's fun non the less for all kinds of different folks.

I have stayed away from this thread for a couple of reasons.

1) I agree that this message board is about opinions and everyone is entitled to express them.

2) I think the original post is complete joke and any response by me, as the head coach at Marcus, would look like either sour grapes, that I have thin skin, or that I can't take criticism.

I won't discuss the other 4 schools mentioned, just mine, so I guess I am taking the bait. First, expectations at Marcus were high before I got the job last month and always will be. Marcus has a rich playoff tradition and the community expects to win. This is a big reason why I wanted this job. If you know anything about Marcus baseball, you'd know this. As for my grace period being over by March, IN MY OPINION, this is an uninformed statement. Why? Because when March 1 rolls around on the calender we will have played all our scrimmages and the Lake Cities Classic (weather permitting of course). We don't have our first district game until March 10, at Lewisville HS. Unless we are 0-fer and play terribly, then I think I'll be safe. Of course with 8 starters, 16 letterman and 21 seniors back for this year, I am pretty confident.

I could take issue with many more things in the original post, but I don't want to confuse opinions with facts. I'll let the uninformed do that. After all, they do it well.
I keep going back and rereading the original post -- and I can't seem to find a) the glaring inaccuracies, b) the offensive opinions, or 3) slanderous comments. I think it's ridiculous to put the new Marcus coach or the Jesuit coach on a "hot seat", but I just don't get the strong reaction caused by the post.

Coach C (Plano East) expects to make the playoffs each year ------ I suppose he's putting himself on a hot seat?
Last edited by Panther Dad
It's ok if it is "internal" but most of the "hot" in hot seat will be driven by parents with unrealistic expectations. Most of the failure in a baseball teams doesn't lie with the coach, but with the players. The only exception being if they just aren't prepared enough to play. If they lack talent, that isn't a coaching problem, but the coaches "suffer" due to it.

Think about it, how many coaches are unsuccessful EVERYWHERE they go, very few. And those that are aren't in coaching very long. I have also seen teams that could have had a monkey for a coach (and maybe some have) and been successful, due to the talent and commitment of the players.
RH -- you're right, parents set expectations, fans set expectations, newspapers set expectations, administrators set expectations (I hope)and message board posters set expectations -- and I think everyone knows that coaches don't win or lose ball games....the players do.

SWAC -- if this was a message board on customer service and I was a well-known service delivery manager then I might expect to see posters discuss the expectation that I do my job. There are millions of sites that review performance. That's not even what's happening here. No one said that Coach XYZ was not doing her job....did they? Cool

Why does it seem ok for communities to run their football coaches out of town on a rail when they fail to make the playoffs once in 10 years? I don't agree with that approach either. Some summer programs have high expectations regarding their teams' performances too, don't they?

Enough from me.

Hmmm, he did imply that, didn't he?
Last edited by Panther Dad
No one said that Coach XYZ was not doing her job....did they?

PD, are we reading the same discussion. What does this statement say,

"completely agree that ***the coach*** of heritage HS is on the hot seat after having 4 D1 players and 2 draft picks (thorpe and palmeiro) along with 5 JuCo players and not making it past the 1st round of the playoffs he is feeling the heat."

This certainly implies the coach is not doing a good job.

Last edited by SWAC
Honestly, I see little difference between this thread and those that pop up in april ranking teams in their district. It is informed speculation. No more, no less.

As far as the teams listed go, let's not forget "little" Mckinney Boyd, coming up to 5-A and being greeted, along with Jesuit, by the toughest district in the state. What about Bryan Adams after a couple solid years in 5-A moving down to 4-A into probably a weaker division. What is the expectation there?

Coaches have minimal control of how a player performs, but there is more to coaching then just running out the best possible line up and crossing your fingers. A coach creates an atmosphere, either pressured or relaxed, in which a player not only plays but practices in. I'm not going to argue the merit of both approaches, but I will say that different groups of players will excel in different "climates."

But remember: If the team wins, the players won. If the team loses, the coach lost, so goes the life of a coach.

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