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I have not read the rule book yet but can someone explain this :

On the scorecard :
The (DH) is hitting for the (RF) Rightfielder

Situation :

5th inning ... DH singles ... the RF comes into run for the DH.

7th inning ... the DH singles again ... again the RF comes into run for the DH.

Is correct or not ?
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I found this on the NET but like I said ... have NOT read OFFICIAL RULE BOOK.

• A DH may bat for any starting player. The DH and the player for whom he is batting shall be listed in the same batting position and are "locked" into the batting order.
• If a DH is used, he must be listed in the starting lineup.
• A substitute for the DH becomes the new DH. The DH has the same re-entry privilege as other starters.
• The DH role is terminated when:
1. The defensive player or any previous defensive player for whom he is batting, pinch hits or pinch runs for the DH, or
2. The DH, or any previous DH, assumes a defensive position.
Last edited by MILBY
Originally posted by Coach Milburn:
I found this on the NET but like I said ... have NOT read OFFICIAL RULE BOOK.

• A DH may bat for any starting player. The DH and the player for whom he is batting shall be listed in the same batting position and are "locked" into the batting order.
• If a DH is used, he must be listed in the starting lineup.
• A substitute for the DH becomes the new DH. The DH has the same re-entry privilege as other starters.
• The DH role is terminated when:
1. The defensive player or any previous defensive player for whom he is batting, pinch hits or pinch runs for the DH, or
2. The DH, or any previous DH, assumes a defensive position.

This is the HS DH rule (condensed)
Correct me if I am reading the OP incorrectly.
1) DH is batting for RF.
2) DH singles and the Rf pinch runs for him. At this point the DH is out of the line-up and is terminated.
3) The DH re-enters and singles. The original RF renters and runs for him.
This seems legal. The DH is done for the game, the RF may stay or be replaced. If replaced, he also done for the day. It's convoluted but legal.
This is the way I read it ...

5th innning : RF came into pinch-run a (sub) for the DH.

RF stays in the game to play RF.

7th inning : DH re-enters the game to hit which is allowed, the RF has to be OUT OF THE GAME since he subbed (pinch-ran) for DH in 5th inning.

Only way both DH and RF could re-enter would be to have two different subs for them. SubA goes in for DH and SubB goes in for RF. Then both would be allowed to re-enter.
Last edited by MILBY
I agree with MST on this one though must admit I've never seen it in a game. I believe the key is that both the DH and RF are starters. When the RF comes in to run for DH in the 5th he is already in the game so is not considered a sub. However, since he is now running he has terminated the DH position but not the player. The DH player has one more re-entry (being a starter) which he uses in the 7th when he hits for RF. At this point RF has come out of the game for the 1st time and has 1 re-entry. When RF runs for the DH player in the 7th he has terminated the DH player's eligibility and used his 1 re-entry.
PantherProud is correct. Rule 3-1-3: "Any of the starting players may be withdrawn and re-entered once, including a player who was the designated hitter..."

Clearly, F9 is a starter (though not in the batting order) and is not a sub when he runs for the DH in the 5th (although the DH is being withdrawn). When the DH hits for F9 in the 7th, F9 is being withdrawn for the 1st time and still has re-entry privileges.

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