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Allow me to say up front that I agonized over posting a link to this interview. As I listened to it, I kept returning to the thought that it contained some insights into a college coach's and his players' world that would benefit a number of the players and parents who routinely frequent this site. ...and, just as frequently, I would wish that it hadn't been my son who was the college coach who had been interviewed. At the end, my loyalty to the learning process that has always been at this site's foundation won out; so, I've decided to post the link to the interview.

A warning: It's lengthy (Right at an hour.); but, because it is, it covers a great deal of ground. The interviewer's notes on the linked web-page give you a sense of that.

Much of it, I think high school players and their parents might find instructive. I offer it up because I think the insights offered here would have been reflected in the comments of many of his peers; and I'm certain that he would agree.

To assist you in making your listening more productive: The first 7.8 minutes are spent introducing the interviewer and his firm and establishing the coach's background and credentials. The real substance of his comments follows that.

Link to Interview

Last edited by Prepster
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Yes he is. And he is one of the finest people period, you will ever meet. My son took over as the PC last year at his college. Robert is on the cutting edge of his profession and my son seeks out anything he can get from Coach Woodard. I know Dad is proud. He should be. I will def listen to this. Thanks for posting Prepster


Thanks for the heads-up and posting.   I hope all is well with you and the family.  I can't wait to listen to this podcast because it is Robert, and he is one of those guys I follow professionally along with a handful of others here on HSBBWeb.  I'm really looking forward to it.

All my best for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

PS...My middle son who was bullpen catching for Robert when he was at Virginia Tech is doing great and was recently promoted on his engineering team at work.  He recently bought a house closer to work.  All is good.

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