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Can somebody please give me the rules and regulations regarding the use of Dip and Chew in NCAA DI DII DIII, NAIA and JUCO?

Also am interested in knowing what the rules and regulations are in the minors? (I know they were trying to cut it down in the minors)

Thanks very much!
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Thanks Coach Merc,

You wouldn't happen to know if the saem applies to NAIA would you, I have no clue as to where to look for this.

Our team 'allows' it but we can't blantantly do it, if we are pressed to use the stuff we have to hide it at all times, we must go into the clubhouse to throw a dip in or have our back turned to the field when putting it in. This has led me to believe that it's not allowed when playing.
Tobacco use was banned by the NCAA in August 1994.

NCAA DI/II/III Baseball Rules Manual
Tobacco Rule
SECTION 11. The use of all tobacco products by student-athletes and game personnel (e.g., coaches, umpires, athletic trainers, managers) is prohibited during practice sessions and game competition. PENALTY—Disqualification for the remainder of the practice or ejection from the contest.

Umpires are instructed to take a zero tolerance policy in this area. Umpires who use tobacco before, during or after a game in the vicinity of the site shall be reported to and punished by the proper disciplinary authority.

NAIA Baseball Handbook
The use of alcohol, tobacco or tobacco products is not permitted by participants, coaches, cheerleaders, trainers, game administrators, or officials in the playing areas during all NAIA sanctioned competition and practices for such competition. The institution’s coaching staff, event games committee, administrator or host site coordinator (as applicable) shall enforce this policy through the following steps.
A. On the first offense, the individual(s) and entire team shall receive an official warning.
B. A second offense will cause expulsion from the practice, game, tournament or event.

Member institutions are strongly encouraged to adopt this policy for all regular season practice and competition.


JUCO's have a Policy only, no specific organization rules.

NJCAA Substance Policy
The NJCAA requires of its member institutions the following:
1) Development and implementation of a drug and alcohol (to include tobacco) awareness education program for all members of inter- collegiate athletic department staffs and student-athletes.
2) Development and distribution of an institutional policy statement relative to the use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and other controlled substances. This policy statement should address participation and the expectations of the member institution for each intercollegiate athletic department staff member's and student- athlete's standard of behavior.
3) Development and implementation of a plan for referral, treatment, rehabilitation for all members of intercollegiate athletic department staffs and student-athletes with drug and/or alcohol-related problems.
4) By using various resources of individual institutions in response to institutional needs and demands, investigate the feasibility of a complete and comprehensive drug use and abuse screening program.
Last edited by RHP05Parent
TPM - There might be more HS players than you realize that chew or dip. I went to a playoff game with my son at the end of the year. It wasn't our team and I was the only parent there from our team. I saw three of my son's HS teammates "dipping". I nor none of their parents had a clue. I was more than surprised - would have made a bet that none of those kids used tobacco. It certainly prompted a mother/son talk when we got home. Smile
Last edited by lafmom
Ever see what a lip or tongue looks like when it is affected with cancer...not a pretty sight
Ever speak to some one who no longer possess an esophagus because of cancer...
Ever see what someone who has lung cancer struggles to cough up...
Ever watch someone struggle to breathe their last few breaths who has lung cancer....
I am not the PC police...I am stating what I have witnessed first hand...people I have cared for...and each and every one of them would willingly go back to that first day they either stated to dip or pick up their first cigarette and turn the other not encourage these kids to do damage to themselves by saying people are PC...oh and BTW my brother works for the Coroner's office here in Boston and based upon the amount of lives lost in car accidents(especially by young men) due lack of seatbelts he has become a strong proponent of them (where he was wishy washy before)...if they had been wearing a seat belt they very well could be alive today Frown
A small bit of tobacco mixed with FIBERGLASS is used to dip. It is placed between cheek and jaw and the fiberglass cuts into the skin to release teh nicotine into the body. I don't think it is chewed due to it's consistency.
Chew is chew, it's chewed then placed in the gum to "savor". I think this may be correct to my understanding.
I agree with Catchermom, we are not talking PC here, we're talking health. If you are aware if your son uses it, don't turn your head, speak to him about it, the same a sif you found out he smoked cigarettes. My son began to "dip" last year, but as informed me that more bubble gum has taken over since last spring. He didn't like his teeth being yellow. We have told him how we feel about it, however, unfortunetly baseball and chew, dip, seem to have strong bonds.
I remember talking with many college coaches and scouts at showcases, tournaments with a big wad sticking in their mouth. Yuck.

Lafmom, there were a few on my son's team in HS who dipped. some of them smoked. I think some experiment with it in HS, then go to college where it is most prevalent these days and get hooked.
For the record...I am no proponent of tobacco in any form and I very much respect catchermom's post.

On the other hand, we cannott, I believe, be everybody's Mommy all of the time.

Laws are not the answer here...information and education are. If an individual wants to chew or refuse to wear a seatbelt..that is his/her business and no one elses, especially the NCAA.

These kids are 18 and up. If they can die for their country, they can make their own choices, short of hurting others.

Education, information and FREEDOM are things to be cherished.
Eegads!! Easy to quit? Dip tobacco is the most addictive form of tobacco on the planet and has been scientifically evaluated as being as difficult to break free from as heroin. I know. It took me 25 years to quit, and it was hell - I still think about it every day. I think it is totally 'correct' to try and help keep our fellow beings out of harm's way.
A small bit of tobacco mixed with FIBERGLASS is used to dip. It is placed between cheek and jaw and the fiberglass cuts into the skin to release the nicotine into the body. I don't think it is chewed due to it's consistency.

I find chewing to be disgusting, but this is beyond disgusting! Just the thought makes my skin crawl!

My oldest has taken up smoking cigars, and tries to rationalize it by the fact that he doesn't inhale and he claims they do not add nicotine to cigars.

There is nothing I can say to dissuade him.

I can understand my parents generation smoking etc. The effects were not well know when they started but I cannot understand my sons generation starting up.
What I find most interesting about the topic is the assumption of stupidity.

Most anti tobacco crusaders ASSUME that the users do not know the risks involved. They assume complete stupidity on the part of the smokers.

In fact - most tobacco users I know do know the risks - and choose to do so anyway.

Just like gambling - just like being overweight and not exercising - just like driving cars or motorcycles fast.

What the crusaders have never been able to fathom is this: Some people actually know the risks and do it anyway.

That immediately makes them "stupid" or ill-informed. LOL

The crusaders and elitists simply cannot grasp the concept of choice - regardless of risk - and never will IMO.
Last edited by itsinthegame
Well said itsinthegame.

Anyone that promotes this junk (tobacco) is a darn fool.

On the other hand a college student is well educated to all kinds of risky business, some of which has a far more dangerous timeline.

Glad your finally on board, TR.

Btw, TigerPawMom, that fiberglass thing is probably more dangerous than the dad gum tobaccy!
I do believe the Skoal snuff has the fiberglass in it...I am not sure, correct me if I am wrong.
I sent the link to DK, thanks.

NCAA states not allowed during practice and competition. If caught they are expelled from that particular practice or competition, that's the penalty and some coaches are pretty lenient during practices.

Our Asst. Coach got thrown out of a game in FL for having a dip in, we were playing a NCAA DII team, and we are NAIA, he tried to use the whole ignornace to the rules, saying that he didn't know that the rules applied to him being a coach, but the ump didn't buy the story.

The sad part of this was our asst. coach told us that the ump himself had a huge dip in his lower lip! In my opinion if the players and coaching staff can't then neither should the umps.
THe use of tobacco products is prohibited in all sports during practice and competition for all student athletes, coaches and game personnel. A student athlete who uses tobacco products during practice or competiton will be disqualified for the remainder of that practice or competition.

NCAA 17.1.12 as note in he CU student handbook.

Doesn't say anything about coaches or umps getting the boot.

I know of one HS player getting the boot after being noticed by ump he was using it in a game. Then was caught again during practice. Coach suspended him for 3 games because HIS rule said no chew on the field at any time and had enough of his rules being abused.

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