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I am looking for what other coaches do and how they handle discipline situations so that I can revamp and maybe adopt some ideas for my program.

1. Do you classify missed practices/games as excused & unexcused and if so what are the guidelines you go by.

2. If a player gets in trouble in school and is disciplined by administration how do you handle in terms of discipline for embarrassing the program?

3. How many opportunities do you give a player before dismissing him from the team?

4. In general, what is your discipline structure?
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I have been so fed up with dealing with parents on this matter and always ending up in the principals office so I am thinking about adopting a new policy inspired by Super Nanny.

Its called Time Out

We have a policy that if you are late for practice you will sit for 3 innings. If you miss practice you will sit for the whole game.

So if they get in trouble I am simply going to have them sit in the stands during practice. Basically putting them in time out. Do so will cause the player to either be late for practice or miss practice all together resulting in the punishment above.

I have a huge problem with running kids. Mainly because it is an unfair discipline. I can run one kid for a week straight with no breaks and he will just look at me asking if I want him to continue. I have another kid that I fun 10 feet and he is on the ground crying. I like a punishment to suck for everyone equally.
Originally posted by boom:
I've done this for years. It's effective.

Do you add anything to it or just make them sit.

Just sit. In the shade. Make yourself comfortable, son.
It's very boring.
They feel ostracized.
Unless they're beyond redemption, they feel like a horse's a$$.
The remaining players on the field WILL show up on time and work harder to avoid that fate.
It leaves no marks--there's no possible traction for a parental complaint.
Great topic, but if i may add... what do you do about the players that constantly talk to their parents during the game from the dug out. I have a few players that will seek their parents out - mid game - for a mommy/daddy pep talk. Usually takes place through the dug out fence. Had an Umpire actually call time and tell one of my players to get back in the dug out yesterday. He was talking to his Mom from the on deck circle and he was not the on deck batter. I was coaching 3rd. These are JV players by the way.... I know... The recent Time Magazine cover photo comes to mind with these couple of kids. I haven't figured out how to crack that one yet. Any thoughts?
No reason for kidss to be talking to mommy/daddy DURING a game. Remind players one time then tell them they will sit the bench or send them out to sit in stands with parents and put in a sub. Also if you send e-mails to parents, send one reviewing your policy and let them know what will happen if they take part in talking w kids DURING game. Let them know you are in charge or it will only get worse. Do you ever see football players leave bench /sidelines to go talk to parents? No, usu. the coach is hard as* and the kids listen.
Back in the day

you never missed practice unless it is something that requires you miss for a legitimate reason. It should rarely happen. a legitimate reason for the player may not be one for the coach.

you fail a class you are suspended until improvement is shown

accumulation of discipline infractions in school you are suspended

I could list a few more I had but the above sort of gives you an idea. the most important thing is that these rules apply for all the players. Be consistent.

parents complain and the dministration of your school does not back you then you probably dont want to coach there anyway.

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