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A little Febreeze goes a long way ... these guys hate washing their caps (understandably) so they do get a little odiferous. We have used Febreeze successfully in the past. And if someone wants to wash their caps, having the cap mold for laundry is the only way to go. We always used Spray N Wash INSIDE the cap along the band before laundering ... a little scrubbing with a small brush around the inside of the band helps too.
Funny how some look worse than others, on the same team. Junior was disappointed this year when we went to a new style hat - he was hoping to go all 4 years with the same hat - you want to talk about disgusting!!! Tack on the extra sweating he does and the other 'stuff' that resides in his sweat form all his medications -- 3 years worth on his hat was pretty bad, saved from total gross-out by getting rained on a couple times, which 'rinsed' it a little. He has since learned to pack an extra hat to wear when it rains, to 'save' the good one!

For some odd reason, this year's hat, with only a few months of sweat, looked just as bad as the one with 3 years on it.
My son wore the same hat for 4 years of high school ball. When he was a junior the club changed to mesh hats. My son went in and told the coach he had never had a strike out looking since he started wearing the old style hat. I almost died when the coach told him to keep wearing the hat at games. Son came home with a big smile on his face and a hat that smelled to the heavens. The day he played his last game the coach asked him how many K's he had his since he started wearing the hat. He said he was not sure and the coach surprised him with "son you only took 3 K's looking your whole career her at BHS...but now that your career is over here we all want you to bury that stinking hat".

Dad and I came home that night after the game and found my son with his buds in our backyard diggin a hole. I thought the cat had died...but to my releif they buried that hat that smelled like a dead cat and even said a few words over it. It was one of the funniest and foundest memories I will have about his high school career.

Originally posted by Rob Kremer:
My wife washes my son's hats by putting them in a plastic hat mold and popping it in the dishwasher. Works great.

Now if I could only get the same results when trying to wash my moldy dishes, pots and pans, and flatware in our clothes washer...everything works pretty well until I start passing the items through the wringer...perhaps I should skip that step.

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