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Well,in our scrimmage last night I dislocated my right thumb(throwing hand).

Now,with our season opener in 2 days,I likely wont be able to start the season as our starter,but rather will be in street clothes not playing until monday(meaning I miss our first three games)

Im pretty disapointed,but Im glad I didnt break it.Anyone have a quickfix to stuff like this?
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Chin up and no feeling sorry for yourself. It doesn't sound like you will be out long

There is no quick fix. If your return is delayed take this time to concentrate in other areas like some core work, running, or whatever, but just stay active. When your turn comes you want to make sure that your mind is there. You can't challenge yourself physically or mentally in a baseball sense now but you can challege yourself in a different direction. Just be ready when your time comes.
Last edited by rz1
I hope I am wrong but don't be surprised if this hurts the entire season. Make sure you keep mobility in your thumb once the swelling starts to go down. By keeping it moving you will help eliminate some of the soreness and strengthen the muscles around it.

After every game and practice ice it down. If you can handle tape (might be annoying) then tape it down.

Good luck with it.
I had this kind of injury a number of times to the thumb on my glove hand while catching in HS years ago. After I did it a few times, it seemed like any time I took a ball a little weird off the thumb, it would swell up & I couldn't bend it. I won't try to act like I know anything medically about it, but I know enough to say "listen to your doc or trainer" because my experience wasn't fun.

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