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When it comes to tiebreakers, individual districts make their own. Not everyone's is the same. In our district, if two teams are tied AND BOTH ARE ASSURED OF A PLAYOFF SPOT, head to head is the first tie breaker. If that does not settle it, then you can coin flip for it or play it off. If the coaches can not agree, then you play it off.

Other scenarios in our district are spelled out almost the same way.
Originally posted by oldbat-never:
We got to get past LHS on Friday to even think about playoffs. If I had a list of who I'd like to see in the playoffs it would be:

OBN, MeatsDad, Hawkman, UpnIn, Train (you out there?) et al;
I lost track of the standings. Where are we at now and what predictions do you have now?
With two games left, there are four teams at 6-6 vying for two remaining playoff spots: Hebron, Marcus, Lewisville and Creekview.

There is also a big game between Coppell and Flower Mound Tuesday, which you no doubt have heard about, but whatever happens. . .they're both in.

Here's the remaining schedule of the four teams battling for two remaining playoff spots:

HEBRON - at Marcus, home vs. R.L. Turner

MARCUS - home vs. Hebron, at Coppell

LEWISVILLE - at Creekview, home vs. Flower Mound

CREEKVIEW - home vs. Lewisville, at Newman Smith
OBN, MeatsDad, Hawkman, UpnIn, Train (you out there?) et al;
I lost track of the standings. Where are we at now and what predictions do you have now?[/QUOTE]

Here is what I predict:

OBN will be very emotional either way, Marcus has the toughest row to hoe as they say.

Me, I'm looking at how Coppell matches up against Keller and thinking Coach English has to find away to beat Flower Mound and win district ( I predict Lewisville beats both Creekview and Flower Mound)that way Coppell faces Grapevine. No offense Grapevine, I just don't like facing Marek and Stafford in a three game set without Cole.

I predict Hawkman will be happy after next Friday.

Train is off the track...I think he is waiting to see if a track transfer ever gets re-instated.

I would not dare speak for UpnIn.
First off the weather will play a huge role this week. Not to "knock" any program but it looks as though the Hawks and the 'Stangs have the most favorable remaining schedule and the 'Stangs the Hawks.....wait no the ....this ain't easy. No one has a most favorable schedule because the Tuesday matchups! All four teams are in must win situations on Tuesday against opponents that match up pretty evenly with.

The Marauders have the toughest remianing two games of the the teams vying for a playoff spot, then the 's and then the 'Stangs. The Hawks don't have any easy task but the worst they will do is split this week.

The 's have used a unique pitching scenario of recent weeks which could propel them into a playoff spot but it would be short lived....just not enough depth at pitching this year plus the defense is suspect and the hitting has been inconsistent. If Choate starts the 'Stangs will be in trouble. If the game remains close and Choate has to stay in past 5 innings it could cause a problem on Friday against the Jags.

The Marauders get a pretty good Hawk team at home. If Presley is on... he will serve up the heat, break'em off and make it dificult for the Hawks to steal one on the road. For the Marauders to win they will have to take care of the ball. This young team is prone to gathering errors in bunches and although there is never a good time for an error they have tallied them at some of the worst times. They have some good bats but will need additional timely hitting to pull this week out. I like the fight in "Jr. Red Raiders" and their coach will not allow them to quit. For the Hawks, Bartlotti is as good as they get and has been very effective. The Hawks have demonstrated thay can hit up and down and have good speed on the basepaths. If the Marauders pull one out, they will have a tough time with the 'Boys on Friday in trying to collect two in a row plus the 'Boys may be playing for an outright DC.

The 'Stangs are at the 's so nothing is a given in that "box". If Choate throws it will be tough for the 'Stangs to pull off a win. I think the "Stang mystique" has worn off, except for The Men of Troy who beat them soundly in thier first meeting. We will see if the 's get the 'Stangs figured as the others they have beat seemingly have. If the 'Stangs get off the "Farm" in good shape they still face a close rival at Smith. I like the 'Stangs fight but the only real way to tell if the 's have a chance is by watching the deameanor of the Third Base Cocah!!

My gut tells me that ...... I should not make predictions. Good luck to all!!! Then again I am just a !!
Last edited by UpnIn
Choate will start Friday against FM. He's only allowed 2 earned runs against them in 3 starts, so they will save him for Friday.

If they are in the game Tuesday in later innings, look for Campbell to throw Josh and inning or two to close it out...heck, he's a senior, who cares about his arm.

The Farmers will have to play consistant defense to win...period.

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