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TR ...

As far as I understand, moderators do not have the ability to read another person's private messages anymore than they could access the person's profile and make unauthorized changes. Moderators don't even have 'across the board' moderating abilities but are assigned to various fora (notice the proper usage of the plural for forum) and can only make modifications in those to which they are assigned.

I do believe that Julie can access PM's but I am not positive and would suggest you contact her directly with your question.

Mary Ann Shappi
Moderator (with Limits)
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom
Originally posted by observer44:

...Why don't you PM MnMom...and...OOOPS!..can't do that...not safe..

...Send a carrier pigeon...

Cool 44

PS...I read what you said about me last week in that PM...Really uncalled for!...

Stay off of cell phones and land lines too. The demise of the pay phone has directly correlated with the demise of the Mob.

Originally posted by observer44:
PS...I read what you said about me last week in that PM...Really uncalled for!...

OK then's the PM you're referring to...and I take it all back!

Private Message

    From: gotwood4sale
    To: Nominating Committee, Nobel Peace Prize

Posted April 01, 2008 06:10 PM Hide Post

Dear Nobel Peace Prize nominating committee members,

It is with a tremendous amount of admiration and respect that I eagerly, enthusiastically, and energetically (green derived energy only of course!) submit to you the name of the most deserving man to ever be considered for your most worthy prize. The man is known as Mr.Observer 44, a member of the prodigious and prestigious High School Baseball Web. I am certain no other nominee that you consider will even come remotely close to achieving the enormously successful body of work that Mr. Observer 44 has so unselfishly accomplished in his prolific and unrestrained effort to improve the lives of everyone who are attracted to him by his unmistakable and alluring 'motivational pull'. It cannot be resisted. He11 will freeze over before you will find a more suitable nominee.

I might note that those of you who believe that "he11 is indeed here on earth" you don't have to worry about Mr. Observer 44 and his chances of being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. There is no chance in he11 that he11 will ever freeze over during our warming certainly does have at least one positive attribute!

Mr. Observer 44 has single handedly, on occasions too numerous to tally, smoothed the ruffled feathers of fellow High School Baseball Websters and their nervous, flustered and disheveled pet canaries and parakeets. He has soothed the broken-hearted souls of Midwestern and Northeastern High School Baseball Websters who have had to endure some of the most cold and foul weather in memory that delayed the opening of their baseball season and will most undoubtedly wreak havoc with the anticipated plentiful revenue generated from Booster Club concession sales scattered throughout these two frozen regions. Earmuffs, in particular, would have flown off the shelves this season, but it was too late to order them for inventory. Container ships from China can take a very long time to get to ice clogged East Coast and Great Lakes ports.

He has always been extremely courteous, friendly, and helpful. He has yet to hit me with a spitwad...even after repeated and relentless attempts. I think he is intentionally missing his target. Bless him.

I cannot thank him enough personally. He, with his technological wizardry involving soup cans and string, inspired me to come up with the idea of a world wide whatchamacallit that I eventually created and dubbed "The Intranet". I later changed the name to "The Internet" after I 'arm twisted' some very reluctant friends and donors to finally join me in my inspired romp into cyberspace.

And I offer this revealing anecdote. While Mr. Observer 44 and I were relaxing one afternoon several years ago on a sunny Florida beach Mr. Observer 44, much like the renowned Professor Harold Hill, Gary Conservatory of Music, class of '05, taught me how to count using the chad method. This ability to 'count to my liking' and 'Skip to my Loo' has served me reasonably well. I think my friend, Mr. Observer 44, in winning the Nobel Peace Prize, may finally propel me over the top.

And finally, as further testimony to his superior character, that day at the beach he helped me fend off these three frisky, pesky, and groping young tow headed beachcombers who were disrupting our photo shoot. This shoot was an important part of our world wide watchhamacallit publicity effort to focus attention on the plight of large, interlocking, colorful plastic people who may become intractably beached and eventually becoming drowning victims as our sea levels continue their menacing and inexorable ruse...I mean historically uncharted heights. Except for these towheads let's not LEGO© of these victims!

Interlockingly yours,


Location: western suburbs of Chicago | Registered: June 07, 2005

Prest-o...delete-o...gone! All of that gushing, gooey, garbage...I took it all back Mr. Observer 44!

Last edited by gotwood4sale
I am also a moderator with limited authority to remove, edit or close a thread (in only a few forums) like everyone else. That's it. I don't even think that if it was possible Julie would give that authority to anyone, and I see it as questioning her ability as the owner of this site to act unethically.

If there are concerns, I am not really understanding why this question was not directed to her, instead of possibly trying to cause concern that doesn't exist.
I can only read my own pm's just like you, and I don't think the owner can either.

Are you suggesting to people that I can do that? Is your post to put doubt to drive me from the site because you have a personal issue here? Stop tap dancing yourself, TR. You know darn well I can't read someone's pm anymore than you, you were once a moderator, weren't you? You should have some respect for Julie and send her a pm or email wioth your concerns. I don't care how bad you try to make me appear, but to do that to her is very unfair.

How do you know how many pm's I write, can YOU see them?

Limited authority means delete, move, close.
Last edited by TPM
Is this a getting to be Gestapo site or what?

What happened to the free discussion back and forth and getting to realize whewre each of us is at?

I also notice the posts that get deleted/expunged by you are those that oppose you
and your thinking--ironic isn't it?

Limited authority means---you can delete move/close--what the heck is that---you are then autonomous

Dont paint me into your corner---if you have a problem you can call me and discuss it--I know your PMs-- and you know my number

The info you give in most cases is unfounded and erroneous

The purpose that we are here is to help each other with information--no problem there--but when you or others give what I feel is erroneous then I will contest the post
What does your last post have to do with the question you asked me. And what does it have to do with my pm's.

You can continue all that you want, however, I do strongly beleive that the more you try to discredit moderators, the worse it makes you appear.
Last edited by TPM
BTW, I didn't bring this topic up, why should I call you?

Why don't you send a pm? Or email Julie?

What question do you want answered? I don't really have to answer anything but I have. If you are wondering about deletions the other evening of a certain poster, you need to direct that question to Julie, maybe she would be more helpful.

That's it for now TR, if you have a serious issue with me, go to Julie and express your concerns.
Last edited by TPM
Thinking that you have privacy on a web site is a little naieve(sp.). Any owner of any site has access to anything on that site. Any company that runs the site has access. Any programmer who works on the site has access. Any competant hacker has access. Even the CIA and Microsoft get broken into on occaision.

It is not a question of whether pm's are private on any site but a question of whether the owner of the site cares about what is pm'ed. I haven't been here near as long as you but I get the feeling that Julie really couldn't care less what you pm as long as you delete it to save bandwidth.

I have always considered all electronic communication just like I regard secrets. If you don't want somebody to know your secrets, don't tell anybody your secrets. Once you type it in and press send it is public domain and can be read if someone is determined enough. Indifference is what keeps pm's private on most sites.

Just my opinion.

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