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They cover certain schools even when the play bad teams - we all know that. Forney vs HP is a rivalry - where was the coverage for HP when they lost ??? Keep watching ... when PW loses it will be swept under the table as well and the bias will continue. Plano vs East next Tuesday is certainly more of a rivalry than PW vs Wylie. Lets see who gets more attention.

The paper has no effect on the games.............

Put on a show and give them something to write about.

The paper has stories in it that interest the MOST readers...............

Fortunately, for the high school boys, they like to write success stories.

The paper usually only has room for two or three stories per week, and, sometimes it takes a week or so for them to get the story in.

But, if you put on a show, your story will eventually be told.

And, that can be agonizing for dads.............

The dads won't like the end of season all-area team either.

Woops, I forgot something.

There are more 5A readers than there are 4A readers.

But, you probably wouldn't be getting any playing time if you weren't on a 4A team anyway.

Wow, seven years of dad grief trying to come out in one post.

Bless my heart.
Last edited by FormerObserver
Both the DMN, Star Telegram and local TV affiliates are just barely scratching the surface in their coverage of HS baseball. Somehow they'll roll out countless reporters and TV crews for HS football, but baseball...forget about it. Texas arguably has as much baseball talent as any State in the country, but for some reason it takes a back seat to the other major sports (football, basketball)...heck throw hockey into the mix too. Maybe it's beacause the Rangers have been bad for so long, and the big D1 colleges for baseball in the State aren't in the Metroplex...who knows??? Show us HS baseball fans some love DMN/Star Telegram!
Even a little coverage in our 'world' of baseball is better than none. To say those that are getting coverage is somehow wrong, so be it. I have canceled my subscription to the DMN, and get more than I need right here on the hsbaseballweb, and with Dallasblog chiming in, who needs the newspaper?

By the way Ben, what are you going to say when the reporter comes to one of your games to report on your game, only to see one of the off-beaten parents yelling some obscenity at the ump, and he decides to write on THAT? Be careful what you ask for...
Jafo Jr got press in the Chattanooga paper last week, and I wasn't even complaining about it. How did that happen?

Sometimes it just ain't fair guys, why the big whoop about it. Like I use to tell all my players, "let your play do the talking", you don't need headlines or atta boys", "just go out and play your butt off and everything will take care of its self".

I guess there are some out there that just have to have their team in the lime light. Word to the wise, "FLY UNDER THE RADAR"
Originally posted by Ben There:
I would like to nominate Plano West and Highland Park for the 5A and 4A "favored son" award.

Why do they pick one team and cover them almost exclusively. Todd W and David M seems to me to have a strong affiliation with both of these teams.

Just my observation.

I wonder about how they choose their focus. About a week or so ago one player from a prominent 5A team pitched a no-hitter and hit a home-run in the same week... but I didn't see any mention of him as a "Player of the Week" anywhere. No "Honorable Mention", no nothing.
As one of the people who helped the DMN design it's leaderboard system for reporting HS sports, let me tell you the only bias on reporting stats comes from the coaches not calling in their results. That is in all sports, not just baseball. Home Coaches are asked to call in and report the scores with full names for both teams. When there are not full names, it is because the team's coach or the home coach did not turn it in. Collecting the information is a fulltime job for more than one person. Look at MaxPreps and see how well baseball is covered. The coaches do not call the scores in, they do not want to give away any secrets that they might have, a player on a hot streak or a pitcher who is performing well.
Originally posted by GreenBat:
As one of the people who helped the DMN design it's leaderboard system for reporting HS sports, let me tell you the only bias on reporting stats comes from the coaches not calling in their results. That is in all sports, not just baseball. Home Coaches are asked to call in and report the scores with full names for both teams. When there are not full names, it is because the team's coach or the home coach did not turn it in. Collecting the information is a fulltime job for more than one person. Look at MaxPreps and see how well baseball is covered. The coaches do not call the scores in, they do not want to give away any secrets that they might have, a player on a hot streak or a pitcher who is performing well.

GreenBat -
Then please tell me ... Who was on the grassy knoll? and did we really land on the moon?. and please, please tell me there is a Santa Clause.

Its too much fun to talk about all the conspiracy theroies than to think it is simple as that.
Originally posted by Ed Sir:
Originally posted by GreenBat:
As one of the people who helped the DMN design it's leaderboard system for reporting HS sports, let me tell you the only bias on reporting stats comes from the coaches not calling in their results. That is in all sports, not just baseball. Home Coaches are asked to call in and report the scores with full names for both teams. When there are not full names, it is because the team's coach or the home coach did not turn it in. Collecting the information is a fulltime job for more than one person. Look at MaxPreps and see how well baseball is covered. The coaches do not call the scores in, they do not want to give away any secrets that they might have, a player on a hot streak or a pitcher who is performing well.

GreenBat -
Then please tell me ... Who was on the grassy knoll? and did we really land on the moon?. and please, please tell me there is a Santa Clause.

Its too much fun to talk about all the conspiracy theroies than to think it is simple as that.

Hey Ed Sir,

A person once told me "When you quit believing in Santa he quits believing in you!"

Too Funny!!!

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