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I'm going to try and say this as nicely as I can. This kind of thing grates on me every time I see it and I'm not going to let it slide this time. My son and I have put a ton of person-hours into researching colleges and baseball programs. I'm all for giving people a helping hand when it comes to info, I mean, that's what these message boards are for. But in same amount of time it took me to write this, I was able to look on the internet and find the rosters, coaches names, last year's W-L records, personal statistics and archived history of every team on Slambo's list. Couldn't he, and others who do the same thing have done that little bit of research instead of just dropping off a list and checking back later to see if anyone had done it for him? Ok, I'm done venting.
PopTime, are you a lawyer or something? I guess I'll have to proof my word choice much more carefully from now on. For some reason, everyone else seems to have been able to figure out exactly what I meant. Take a few too many foul tips off the face-mask did you?

The comment on the coach was a convenient way to "bump" the conversation to the top of the list in order to get more input. I agree that I could have used a better questions.
Last edited by Slambovich
For some reason, everyone else seems to have been able to figure out exactly what I meant.

Southern Maine is usually very good. Merrimack is very weak. Ithaca was very good last year. Southern Maine and Ithaca are very high/top quality DIII programs. Those were the answers offered. So, what is it that everyone else "got" that I didn't? You couldn't have gotten those answers yourself? Just admit you didn't want to take the time to look it all up and we'll call it a day.

I am not speaking for Slambovich but I am guessing he or she is looking for typical inside stuff not readily apparrent on a website such as coaching phylosophy, or non-returning player and why or why not, past or future assistant coaches, volunteer assistant opportunities, typical athletic living conditions, character or "flavor" of the locale if not familiar, etc.

I didn't know that my sons school typically has 50+ kids rostered for fall practices till he got there. They happened to post a roster this fall, but hadn't in previous years.

Ithaca College, Hobart, Cornell or (insert NY Finger Lake region school name here) could easily have two feet of snow on the ground by Thanksgiving, as I saw when I visited in high school the same week I played golf in Springfield. Upstate NY is like Alaska compared to southern New England.

If you are from another part of the country, things like that are helpful. IMO
Last edited by Dad04
I suggest that you look at the replies to the same question posed on the Northeast forum before you go spouting off. I note that you have absolutely nothing of substance to add to the discussion. You, of course, have no idea what I did and did not look at prior to posting my question. You can make assumptions, if you like, but you know what "assuming" does. In this case it is just you and not me.
There are insites into every school/program that very literaly only first hand experience can provide. Some of it is best handled on private emails, phone calls and back channels but is absolutely invaluable into a good recruiting decision. The beauty of this site is that stuff is usually available. JMO
Last edited by Dad04
I apologize to everyone for my ranting. Slambo. Is it just schools in the NE that you are interested in? There are many others that offer Exercise phys and athletic training. Castleton State in Vermont, Rowan U. in NJ, St. Joseph's in Maine, UMass Lowell, UMass Boston, Wm. Paterson U in NJ, Bridgewater State in MA, DeSales in PA, in addition to the ones you've mentioned. See? I can make nice when I want to! duel

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