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I find myself jealous of the posters who live in Virginia; something I never thought I'd say since the state (atleast the northern part) seems choked with traffic, construction and streets that all have the same name (WTF is a Glebe, anyway?)

But I log on to their forum and they have about 15 active threads, everyone reporting on the schools and players in their region.

All we do here is ***** about UMCP's baseball team.

I would really like to hear some details about the high school teams in our state. Preferably MoCo, but at this point I'd even settle for some updates about HoCo, PG or Baltimore.

Anyone? Anyone???
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I hear you loud and clear. When I first found the hs baseball website,I use the posted info for my son as a resource to prep him for hs ball. I then discovered the message boards, and educated myself regarding hs baseball and potential higher level play. I have since joined and made a couple of posts.

I really enjoy all the info on this site, but I would love to read more local information, and follow multiple levels of baseball. My son is a freshman and playing at the hs jv level currently. Due to all the poor weather, I cant get enough baseball action, so I spend too much time here on this site.

I agree with LHPMom and I would also be interested in jv and travel team ball, particularly AA county hs and baltimore metro baseball.
No sure why you want to eliminate grandsons from

But then, the track record is many don't believe you will be around after your HS son graduates (unless you continue to house over the summer the college kids)

How about making a sig donation, & you could be provided info about MoCO, How, AACo and PG HS Baseball.
Last edited by Bear
I feel your pain LHPMOM2012. We live in Maryland and of course my son plays for his MD HS team. Good program in small private school that gets to play quite a few of the big boys too. Very good coach whom the boys love and he is their greatest advocate.

My 2014 son plays for a team out of Richmond Virginia all summer. S****r and Lacrosse seem to be far bigger in MD than baseball.

There is a site called that has some stats on the kids playing in MD. However, it appears that a lot of the private MIAA schools and most MoCo schools do not participate so the information is lacking but kinda fun to look at.

Re: the activity on the Maryland thread...some of the above comments are right. Although I think there have been times over the months (years?) where activity has been a bit higher..for the moment it's off.

HS baseball is alive and well in Maryland, no doubt. But, to get people to come on here and post about it...well, that's something else.

As far as other boards (Sun) etc....they are ok, but sometimes they get a little caustic for my tastes. Some excellent posters over there, but the occasional hand grenade thrown in once in while is enough to keep me away. So, more activity for the sake of activity is not always good.

I've found this board is a great, well-managed, place with some knowledgable and very helpful people as regular posters. Nearly any problem, issue or whatever - has been seen and experienced by the people who visit and post here.

I understand and agree with the original poster's comments and question. I don't mind the discussions on UMD baseball and it's journey back to prominence. It's just that more quality discussions on high school baseball in Maryland would be welcome.
The problem is that most of the parents do not care about the big picture (the team). They are only in it for there own kid. There is no more team only I or Me. For me that is a very sad thing. I have watched baseball for years around here and every year it seems to start at a younger age. And by the time you get to high school it is about one thing young Johnny getting into college to play ball screw everyone else. Look at the numbers, the only ones that seem to care are the ones that post here and ask the questions. Just my opinion.
Cupshot - lot of truth in what you say. Problem very few actually will go on to play beyond high school. To get there, the recruiting is an incredible, irrational process (showcase teams vs. camps, how do I get exposure, are my skill REALLY good enough, what does it all mean, etc etc). I have learned a lot here by folks much smarter and more experienced than I.

I believe most players (and parents) playing high school baseball in MD do not have a good idea of what it takes to play beyond the high school level. Not talking about just D1 either....check out a Johns Hopkins or a Salisbury (D3) game or some of the better JUCO games in the area. Better yet...check out some of the 'lesser' teams. You'll still find out that the level of play is substanially better than most high schools. There are exceptions...but, generally, the players are bigger, stronger, and faster. I think that many high school players and parents think that because they are "All-______" (fill in the blank), that they're automatically going to play at the college level. Just the time committment to play a college sport is extraordinary.

Baseball is a simple game to play - it seem seasy....but it is also perhaps the most demanding game (especially the mental side of it) of all. To play the game at a high level requires talent, committment, and a great deal of discipline.
Could not agree more on all the thoughts.

When we were looking at High schools for my 2014 son I was very surprised at how few coaches really prepare the kids to play beyond high school. Some of these are the top programs in Maryland.

The coaches may know what it takes but very few take the time to explain it to their players let alone run a program to give the kids a real chance. Even fewer parents really understand what it really takes.

Maryland public hs school baseball in general is pathetic with JV baseball being like the bad news bears. There are exceptions. The facilities in Maryland are pathetic. They would rather build facilities like the Strathmore in MoCo.

In Montgomery County they close the fields for almost anything because playing on the fields might damage them. What exactly are the fields for? Did I mention the absurd cost to get on a lot of fields in Maryland.

Maryland baseball is very frustrating to say the least.

You have to know what the college coaches are specifically looking for in a ball player. Most Maryland parents just do not know what it takes to play at the next level.
Originally posted by Bill L.:
Could not agree more on all the thoughts.

When we were looking at High schools for my 2014 son I was very surprised at how few coaches really prepare the kids to play beyond high school. Some of these are the top programs in Maryland.

The coaches may know what it takes but very few take the time to explain it to their players let alone run a program to give the kids a real chance. Even fewer parents really understand what it really takes.

Maryland public hs school baseball in general is pathetic with JV baseball being like the bad news bears. There are exceptions. The facilities in Maryland are pathetic. They would rather build facilities like the Strathmore in MoCo.

In Montgomery County they close the fields for almost anything because playing on the fields might damage them. What exactly are the fields for? Did I mention the absurd cost to get on a lot of fields in Maryland.

Maryland baseball is very frustrating to say the least.

You have to know what the college coaches are specifically looking for in a ball player. Most Maryland parents just do not know what it takes to play at the next level.

How about making a sig. donation, & you would be provided with info on
- What College coaches seek!
- What is takes to play at the next level!
- Where you son fits in the many variables!
- Guaranteed!
The issue with baseball is it take a different mindset to play and manage. Most really good athletic kids play Football, Basketball or Lacrosse because there is a lot more action going on and you are in every play. With baseball you my play a hole game and never have a ball hit to you or never be in a play. The good ball players know this but love the game for what it is. Baseball in most public schools is only there for the few kids that want to play and the rest of the kids are there because there dad or mom told them they were good ball players (bad news bears). Baseball generates no money for the high school it is like owning a boat (money pit) so the school systems put no money into the program. For example the school my son went to a Friday night football game with admission and concessions would take in about $8000.00 at his baseball game no admission and maybe make $50.00 at the concessions. The only people there are family and a few friends face it most people do not like to sit and watch what they think is slow and boring. They close the fields because the coaches or parents have to do all the work and most coaches have full time teaching jobs and family's of there own as do the parents. We would try and fund raise and come up with about $3000.00 per year for the team and believe me it goes very fast. And you are correct a not many folks know what it takes to get to the next level or what it is really like once you get there. Again just my thoughts.
Last edited by cup shot
Hi Bear,

My son knows what college coaches are looking for based on the team for which he plays in Richmond, Virginia. Not sure if he fully comprehends how much competition he has just yet.

He know the stats in the 60, throwing velocity, etc... He works hard but he may not be blessed with the talent. However, hard work usually overcomes talent.

He is a Freshman and has a very tough road ahead of him.

What is frustrating is that Maryland does not have even a tiny version of what East Cobb does for its kids. A non profit baseball organization with world class facilities and training. Ripken is a for PROFIT organization. In a big way!

I wish I did not feel like I have to take my son to Virginia to play. There are just too few good options in Maryland.

The talent pool is deep in Maryland but the kids play second fiddle to agendas by teachers unions, politicians, bureaucrats, parents, neighbors, other sports, etc..

Heck. Even the leagues tie up fields just so no one else can use them. Try and get a permit. I have for fields almost always empty. They are tied up by the county or local government.

At least in PG County MD DeMatha adopted a field and it is a first class field. They have done a great job

Try that in a place like MoCo. Even if they agreed, one could not trust that they would not take the field back even for something as trivial as politics. You voted for the other guy so screw u and the kids.

Maryland has enough money to **** away on illegal aliens yet won't put up one red cent to maintain a baseball complex over in Severn. They **** away millions on the Strathmore where they could have turfed almost every hs field in MoCo.

The teacher's unions could give a **** about baseball/sports for the most part. They tie up the coaching positions to make a few bucks rather than allow someone who really cares a chance to coach. The union chases away good coaches. The are some very very rare exceptions.

I dare say that most of the Md Public HS coaches have never even talked to a college scout and would feel it is not their job.

How many Public HS coaches could be asked what each of their players 60 time is or what is a players throwing velocity and know the answer. How about their GPA?

It breaks my heart that MD baseball is sooo bad in general. Most schools don't even have middle school baseball. In MoCo they have Co-ed softball in middle school.

Don't know whether to LMAO or cry.

Bill L.
I think MoCo has some excellent public high school baseball programs. Sherwood, QO, Gaithersburg, Whitman -- look what's happened at Rockville over the past few years, very exciting... Wootton had a really good run last year. Walter Johnson has made vast improvements. I think BCC fields a competitive team every year too.

I don't think it's the job of a public high school baseball coach to get his player ready for college ball. That's the summer coach's job. Public school coaches have enough to worry about as it is. Most public school players are not good enough to play college ball anyway.

I agree about the field issue.

A friend directed me to the website, and they occasionally do write-ups of games. It's nice to read about the exploits of all the boys my son played baseball with when he was young.
Originally posted by Bill L.:

I dare say that most of the Md Public HS coaches have never even talked to a college scout and would feel it is not their job.

How many Public HS coaches could be asked what each of their players 60 time is or what is a players throwing velocity and know the answer. How about their GPA?

Bill L.

Son's coach does and knows all those answers too. Check the thread below. For such a sorry atate of affairs, seems to be quite few kids from public schools garnering schollys, the majority D1. And this is only early signings for the most part and what has been reported here. I personally know of others not listed.

Not sure why you HAVE to take your son to Richmond for travel/showcase baseball. There are a number of good programs thoughout MD. Your son is a freshman, he did not try the Maryland Baseball Academy in your neck of the woods? They have a great program with nationally ranked teams. Rookies, Red Sox, Monarchs, etc. Plenty of good showcase programs in the state, as well as a number of smaller teams that do a good job.

Is MD comparable to GA, FL, CA? NO! But it is not as bad off as a lot of other places. Sorry to hear of your experience in MOCO. Perhaps it is better to work in a positive manner with what we have and improve what we can than to bemoan what others have that we do not.

2011 Signees
U R blessed as i am that my son's coach knows all his kids stats as well and their GPAs.

I guess it comes down to what you use as a measuring stick. Other Maryland public HS or Maryland versus VA HS or other state public HS.

I can tell you with certainty that most MD Public HS teams cannot hold a candle to the programs at most VA schools.

Check out how many VA kids go D1. One HS alone had 7 2011s!

Why didn't my son try out for some of the local clubs? My son will not wow the coaches and we are not part of the in crowd. Unless you are part of a MD clique or sooo far over the top, you will get over looked.

For instance: My son wanted to try and play for the Junior Legion team last year as a rising 8th grader. The coach said he could not handle the velocity. I laughed my rear end off at that one! He was hitting 75-80 mph pitching while his son still faces 55-60 mph JV Maryland pitching. The top three pitchers on my sons summer team all threw 75+ with their top lefty clocked at 84 by Perfect Game. The scary part is he did not even make the varsity squad at Cosby HS as a freshman.

For the record while MBA has had a lot of success. Guess where their top pitchers/players were from at the Elite 32 and AAU? VIRGINIA! Yep. Check out the roster.

BTW: I really like Wil Frazier as a coach but he would not be the coach for my son's team if he played there. He would oversee the team. If my son played there Will is the only coach I would trust. Really good guy!

I can't argue with that. Maryland baseball is not competitive with Virginia baseball at the public school level.

Maryland seems more interested in lacrosse and s****r. My son learned how to play baseball on the youth fields behind our local community center. Those fields were allowed to grow out and are now being turned into s****r fields.
Originally posted by Bill L.:
I can tell you with certainty that most MD Public HS teams cannot hold a candle to the programs at most VA schools.

Not so sure about that. When son was freshman, varsity went to Easter tournament at VA Beach. Went 2-1. Last year went to Easter tournament in SC. Went 1-1-1. JV went 1-1. All teams had good talent, well coached. Biggest difference without a doubt was facilities. You'll get no arguement out of me on that one.
My son's HS went to Florida and went 2-1. They played extremely well but I would never compare MD baseball to Florida with all the MLB players Florida has produced.

What I really wish is that the baseball was better in Maryland in general.

We have the athletes just not the facilities, organization or commitment to baseball.

The game teaches so many great life lessons as only baseball can. That is priceless.

Originally posted by Bill L.:
compare MD baseball to Florida with all the MLB players Florida has produced.
What I really wish is that the baseball was better in Maryland in general.
We have the athletes just not the facilities, organization or commitment to baseball.

Been around Maryland a long long time.
Also have stints watching baseball on west coast and Florida.

At the professional, collegiate, summer, amateur, and youth levels of play, baseball in Maryland is good. Real good.

And yes the kids are bigger, stronger, & faster.
Training is better.

So bottom line: Have differing view point.
Originally posted by Bill L.:
Hi Bear,

What is frustrating is that Maryland does not have even a tiny version of what East Cobb does for its kids. A non profit baseball organization with world class facilities and training. Ripken is a for PROFIT organization. In a big way!

I wish I did not feel like I have to take my son to Virginia to play. There are just too few good options in Maryland.

The talent pool is deep in Maryland but the kids play second fiddle to agendas by teachers unions, politicians, bureaucrats, parents, neighbors, other sports, etc..

Heck. Even the leagues tie up fields just so no one else can use them. Try and get a permit. I have for fields almost always empty. They are tied up by the county or local government.

At least in PG County MD DeMatha adopted a field and it is a first class field. They have done a great job

Try that in a place like MoCo. Even if they agreed, one could not trust that they would not take the field back even for something as trivial as politics. You voted for the other guy so screw u and the kids.

Maryland has enough money to **** away on illegal aliens yet won't put up one red cent to maintain a baseball complex over in Severn. They **** away millions on the Strathmore where they could have turfed almost every hs field in MoCo.

The teacher's unions could give a ****

I dare say that most of the Md Public HS coaches have never even talked to a college scout

It breaks my heart that MD baseball is sooo bad

Don't know whether to LMAO or cry.

Bill L.

Not to be repetative but.....

Been around a very very long and
(other than Walt F, who I know very well, and have watched since RB and Terp days)

I have differing view points.
And that incl:
- Facilities
- Access to ball fields
- HS Sports Coaches
- Player Talent
- Local Amateur and Professional Leagues
- Budgets

East Cobb is outstanding, yet can it be said it is the amatuer baseball hot bed in the country = Hillsbough County; the best of all HS ballfields in the Country = Az, and the best of all amateur college summer baseball for the players and fans = Madison?

Good luck to you and your son.

And just for the record, I happen to stop by a ball field on the way home late Sunday afternoon and saw a 5 tool switch hitting 3b! Can wait to see how this youngster develops.
Well I thought I might offer an update. Check out the article from Perfect game evaluating Maryland baseball. They rate MD a 1 out of a possible 5.

Pretty sad state of affairs right now in Maryland baseball.

In addition, I tried to get my son on the local Legion Team or even MCBA to play during the week. They all have plenty of kids that play part time but we are told my son doesn't go to the local Public HS so the team has no place for him. Even worse they won't say that to me directly, I had to find out from one of the kids that does play on the team. The boy wanted to know why the coach would not look at my son because he can play. He was told flat out, that kid does not go to the public HS. This is the same program that would not take an all MET player last year for the same reason. That kid was probably the best SS in Maryland as a senior.

Even recently we were at the local hs practicing and they complained we were using the facilities.

Good grief! I pay the same property taxes as every other home owner but choose to pay my sons way to a private school where GOD can be openly discussed.

Heck, they won't even let you use the batting cages while a game is going on. All the kids use the batting cages in Virginia while a game is going on. Today my son was using the tires there to work on his swing. They made us stop during the game.

At a minimum my son could show some of the kids on the team what is possible with hard work. My son would get some extra work and help the team and he might even help the local program by being an example. My son is not some stud but he does play the game the right way.
I will give you the berating part. It is counter productive. The local situation has really been tough for a kid that loves baseball.

We put a cage up in the yard and we can find a field to work on ground balls and other stuff. Just would be nice to have him get to work with some kids his age during the week.

Bottom line is the kids should be the first priority and not personal agendas.

I too have coach and cannot imagine not allowing a boy to play for me who so wanted to play, has a great attitude, and can help a team. I always have a spot for that kid.

I consider myself blessed just to have had the opportunity to coach the kids I helped at all.

We had a great local coach who quit because of parents constantly getting on him. My son wrote an essay in school about how much he loved this coach. If he was still there we would be too. He introduced my son to Travel ball up at Ripken.

My sons HS coach is outstanding and really loves the kids. He loves the game and teaches it the right way.

It is about the kids and their dreams.

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