Jury not lynch mob.
I am not sure I understand.
I don't think there has been a single post on this site that would be "lynch mob" mentality. We are all commenting on and debating information that is in the public domain, about a public figure. Bonds is a public figure but wants it to be on his terms, and it does not work that way.
Bonds is making around $16,000,000 or so this year.
Each day Bonds heads to the ballpark and collects a portion of that salary, his childhood friend sits in Santa Rita County jail because he will not answer questions about Bonds use of prohibited and illegal substances.
I wonder why others get so upset over what is happening to Bonds when Bonds seemingly could care less about what is happening to his friend.
IMO, Barry Bonds is a public figure with a lot of power which he is using, successfully, to fend off a grand jury and other investigations.
Greg Anderson is not a public figure and doesn't have power. Greg Anderson's silence is likely one major reason Barry Bonds has yet to be "proven" guilty.