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jerseydad knows all about Skyline too.

We have it regularly. Although my kids are all born and raised in the land of fruits and nuts...they ALL LOVE Skyline...often have it for their birthday dinners.

Went to Greece about 10 years ago...wife ordered Spaghetti Bolognese only to find that it was pretty dang close to Skyline, minus the cheese. Makes sense - huh?

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Last edited by justbaseball
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Tiger Paw Mom:

As a student athlete he has access to a student athletic training center and an academic center that is off limits to non athletes. If things became equal this may become an issue down the line eventually. If everyone is treated the same, everyone should have the same opportunities.

Good Post TPM...

I would imagine at Clemson they also do have a academic center for non-athletes and yes the athletes do have training facilities but at my Sons school the academic center for the non-athlete is outstanding and the workout center for all students is tremendous as well.

Are there privledges that athletes get (even baseball players) yes. But they are also the ones doing their conditioning in the afternoon or morning prior to their full course load, attending practice 20 hrs aweek, going to mandatory study hall, and in many schools being held at a higher standard in regards to their conduct than the average student. So yes do they have advantages but there are strings attached.

and we won't even go into the NCAA restrictions...
Are we trying to reach a level playing field in all aspects of the college experience? I personally think each university should have strengths and weaknesses. You wouldn’t want an institution with high academic requirements to lower those requirements just so they can have a better football or basketball team would you??? --- and what about the top athletic universities’ star (but not so smart) running backs or point guards? If they were to toughen their entrance requirements what would all these future NFL and NBA stars do for the next four years ---- other than get arrested.
Son gets auto allowance, from momma and poppa! Big Grin

You know come to think of it the Fike recreation center at Clemson has a swimming pool, indoor suspended track and one of those rock climbing walls. Maybe those student non-athletes don't have it too badly after all. Big Grin
Last edited by TPM

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