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Way to controversial a topic, shut it down.

I'd get a shelter mutt cause that's the left wing way to go. Golden Retrievers have way to much stigma and I don't own a Ralph Lauren sweater to throw over my shoulders while I walk that pooch to Starbucks.

ItsRosy's doggy would be paper trained on The New York times.

Smile Rosy, just yankin' your string.
We've had mostly Golden Retrievers or Black Labs. With six kids they were very tolerant of tugged on ears and tails. The best protectors and friends!
We also had a Samoyed who was a great charmer and attention getter while taking walks. We've adopted a couple, one beautiful white Shepard we dutifully named Dillard back in'79(?) as Cubbie Steve Dillard tore the cover off the ball for a week or two. Our current addition is a mix we picked up from a Pet Smart adoption day, Izzy, a C**** and Black Lab/Pit Bull mix. He's taking on the features of more of a "potbelly pig"!! But by far and away our family's best pet over the past 30 years!
I vote... Save a life, and adopt a mix!
The Cubs are clearly not dogs. Even the city-slickers should know they are Bears.

the white sox on the other hand are dogs, or at least dogging it, otherwise how would their sox stay white? it's no coincidence that the best sox of all time was known as the "black sox"

The sox should forget about the dogs and worry about The Tigers

White Sox caps and logo's are everywhere in Florida.

Also in Memphis, Atlanta and Charlotte.

The dearth of cubbie blue stuff does my heart good.

Everyone LOVES a WINNER!


Speaking of the cubbie dogs, there are reliable reports that Prior is DONE.

Bruce Levine reported yesterday that the cubs are ready to give up on him and his 86-88 mph fastball.
Thier only hope is that he can do it with guile...........NOT!

Add that to 1 sure fire (maybe) starter, Soriano's expected defensive lapses and Lou will be blue.
Last edited by soxnole

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