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Burning his jerseys? Chewable dog toys? PETA selling anti-Vick merchandise?

As absolutely reprehensible as the allegations are, and if he's convicted, dog cages will be the least of his worries, it is rather unseemly for all of this piling on to occur before the first witness has even been sworn in. It brings to mind the attitude that led to Japanese interment camps in this country during WWII, and the mob lynchings that unfortunately are part of our country's past.

It almost seems like an electronic lynch mob mentality. I personally wish the Falcons owner, when he handed Vick the $100 million contract, would've given him a copy of GQ and said "look like this", and told him to "be as good to your family and pals as you'd like, but forget the entourage-be like Mike...Jordan, not Tyson".

If he didn't like the conditions, simple-don't sign the contract.

If he did what he's accused of, it's despicable, and we'd go to war for the dog that sleeps at the foot of our bed every night (when he's not trying to sneak on to my pillow), but Vick is still very young, and may pay dearly for doing some very bad things. Once he pays the price for what he's determined to have done, can he never ever be forgiven? Sure sounds that way.
Last edited by hokieone
Years ago we lived in the same complex as Mike Tyson, we was here living in a rented house for the winter training for a fight. He drove 70 in a 25mph speed zone and tried to pick up the young 13,14 year old girls (mine being one of them). We complained endlessly to the police and no one cared. I hate people like that (and that's a strong word for me) and like Michael Vick.

Vick owned the house and has a license to breed dogs. I am sure the grand jury has plenty on him from those that snitched (always be careful of who you associate yourself with).

If found guilty, hopefully, he's done. Hopefully he's done anyway.
Sun Times: sick hipness of dog fighting

"His pals have already rolled over."

this isn't an isolated case of a few guys behaving badly ..
there are alot of big name high rollers laying low til the heat blows over - it's a huge industry/sub-culture w/a s-o-p of euthanizing dogs that injured or turn away in fight - meant to strengthen the breed mentaly & physicaly.

a guy I worked with was doing humanitarian "rescue" work with fighting breeds & finding 'em homes -
til it became clear they were psychotic time bombs Frown

here, many urban kids aquire (??) (pit) bull terriers & train them (ie: abuse them) hoping for the next champion - then act puzzeled when he eats a member of the fam

the areas that want to ban the breed(s) have the right idea - imo

ps - thanks for taking Tyson off our hands ..
he sold his local estate a while ago & moved away
Last edited by Bee>
Originally posted by Bee>:

here, many urban kids aquire (??) (pit) bull terriers & train them (ie: abuse them) hoping for the next champion - then act puzzeled when he eats a member of the fam. the areas that want to ban the breed(s) have the right idea - imo

Happens a lot here too Bee>, some even cut off ears with scissors to make them angry puppies, and less vulnerable in a fight later. It's bigger than realized. BTW New Mexico finally banned c o c k fighting this year, making LA the last legal state. They still do it anyway. Frown
Last edited by spizzlepop

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