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First time I've ever been disappointed in a comment from you, PGStaff:


"Not to start into politics, but we do have an African American President.  Elected by the people!  Some seem to think he is a bad president.  I can live with that if the reason they think that way is because of something other than him being black." 


Glad to hear you can live with it, since it's as old as our nation.


"In some cases maybe the detractors have a legitimate reason for this hatred."


How about just legitimate reasons to philosophically, ideologically, financially and politically disagree? Why must it be hatred?


"However, in many cases I'm afraid that hatred is based on nothing more than his race."

Ugh. If you'd have said in FEW cases, yes. But beyond the pain and harm Sterling causes with his bigotry, his actions spawn comments like this, which reinforce lies, too.

Last edited by jp24

infielddad,  exactly,  that's what I was tring to say, he is a bum , but even the bum can say what he wants whether you agree with him or not he has the right to say it...... and then every one else can use the same rights to say and do what they feel to get rid of him. 


I just disagree with the notion that if someone says something that others do not like, or that it hurts their feelings, that they can somehow ditate what can and cannot be said


 I'm just sick and tired of having the media and others tell us all how we should feel, talk and act... the political correctness crap is over the top.


Last edited by bacdorslider
Originally Posted by bacdorslider:

infielddad,  exactly,  that's what I was tring to say, he is a bum , but even the bum can say what he wants whether you agree with him or not he has the right to say it...... and then every one else can use the same rights to say and do what they feel to get rid of him. 


I just disagree with the notion that if someone says something that others do not like, or that it hurts their feelings, that they can somehow ditate what can and cannot be said


 I'm just sick and tired of having the media and others tell us all how we should feel, talk and act... the political correctness crap is over the top.



I think the point you're missing, bacdorslider, is that the "crap" you speak of is not abstract. It is a real thing that impacts people's lives. Similar actions from this same man have impacted people's lives already.


I can't agree with your sentiment that the media shouldn't be bringing up a public figure with powerful economic leverage deliberately discriminating against a group of individuals because of their race and/or heritage. It is that exact action that brought upon horrible points in our history, as illustrated in posts above. I hope that what occurs is the exact opposite of what you wish - that the media continues to shed light on this situation in a positive manner, to illuminate the negativity in Sterling's words and in hopes that we can further sway future generations from such a mindset.



Last edited by J H

I don't share Donald Sterling's beliefs. I defend his right to say what he wants in privacy. What Sterling learned is Big Brother is watching. What he said privacy is going to be used against him. Someday it will be against the law to have the wrong thoughts if people can figure out what you're thinking by your expression. There's already plenty happening in this country that thirty, forty years ago you would say, "That only happens in the Soviet Union."

Originally Posted by oldmanmoses:

Look at that little girl. If I ever heard of someone saying she wasn't welcome because of the color of her skin I would just lose it. And never mind me , that young man ho Remember, this is not an abstract legal argument. It is real and real people are hearing this.


+1 a million times 

Originally Posted by RJM:

I don't share Donald Sterling's beliefs. I defend his right to say what he wants in privacy. What Sterling learned is Big Brother is watching. What he said privacy is going to be used against him. Someday it will be against the law to have the wrong thoughts if people can figure out what you're thinking by your expression. There's already plenty happening in this country that thirty, forty years ago you would say, "That only happens in the Soviet Union."

Um no.  Big Brother was a totalitarian government. The government doesn't figure into this story.  Sterling was listened to and ratted out by an angry mistress and a ruthless, greedy, unscrupulous, and yet very free press.

Last edited by JCG
Originally Posted by JCG:
Originally Posted by RJM:

I don't share Donald Sterling's beliefs. I defend his right to say what he wants in privacy. What Sterling learned is Big Brother is watching. What he said privacy is going to be used against him. Someday it will be against the law to have the wrong thoughts if people can figure out what you're thinking by your expression. There's already plenty happening in this country that thirty, forty years ago you would say, "That only happens in the Soviet Union."

Um no.  Big Brother was a totalitarian government. The government doesn't figure into this story.  Sterling was listened to and ratted out by an angry mistress and a ruthless, greedy, unscrupulous, and yet very free press.

I understand the government isn't involve in this. But the way people think has changed. If Sterling said what he did in private and not on the Clippers facility the NBA response should be they condemn what he said but there's nothing they can do about a person's personal and private feelings. However, it's not the way people respond to these kinds of situations now. We live in a PC world.

I just listened to the whole tape. Interesting, when you think about it. He's a racist. But, it's rather lame racism compared to other racism we see. He never once calls African-Americans by a racial slur. never stereotypes them or says one bad thing about them as a race or any individual. Simply has a problem with his girlfriend associating with black people. It's certainly not a Mel Gibson or Michael Richards type rant. It is, however, an eye opener to how some people think. It was pure racism and ignorance absent any real overt hate. It's been wrongly condemned. Yet, on the other coast, we have an NFL team called the REDSKINS. Is that bulls**t, or what?

Originally Posted by NYdad2017:
Originally Posted by roothog66:

Not to mention my kid will be playing ball for Lamar, CO high school. Look up their mascot for another eye opener.


"Home of the Savages" ?  Very Interesting...


Especially when you consider this area is most known for the 1864 Sand Creek Massacre where a Colorado Territory militia brutally destroyed a refigee village of Cheyenne and Arapahoe indians killing approximately 150 women and children.

Originally Posted by roothog66:
Originally Posted by NYdad2017:
Originally Posted by roothog66:

Not to mention my kid will be playing ball for Lamar, CO high school. Look up their mascot for another eye opener.


"Home of the Savages" ?  Very Interesting...


Especially when you consider this area is most known for the 1864 Sand Creek Massacre where a Colorado Territory militia brutally destroyed a refigee village of Cheyenne and Arapahoe indians killing approximately 150 women and children.


Oh geez.  


I agree something should be done about the guy, but when you start taking action against a person for what they said, not what they did , it's dangerous.... mob mentality.   And before everyone goes off on me,  my son-in-law is a minority.... and my best friend as well.


So the next time someone calls me a Mic,   I should get to be on TV spewing my case ?


What the guy said was not the worst I have heard

Last edited by bacdorslider
Originally Posted by JCG:

So you don't support the right of a private association to discipline one of its members as it sees fit? Would you like the government step in and protect Mr. Sterling's rights?

First line please.....

"I agree something should be done about the guy" 


I'm just saying in general we should think about what can and should be done, and not go down a road we cannot get back from. I mean come on man, the guys a bigot, not a pediphile.  You folks must live in nirvana



Originally Posted by shortnquick:
Originally Posted by bacdorslider:


So the next time someone calls me a Mic,   I should get to be on TV spewing my case ?


Oh my god, that's over the top, you have ruined my life, how dare you... I want you REVOKED from the board.... there's no way this type of bahavior can be tolerated.....


Originally Posted by bacdorslider:
Originally Posted by shortnquick:
Originally Posted by bacdorslider:


So the next time someone calls me a Mic,   I should get to be on TV spewing my case ?


Oh my god, that's over the top, you have ruined my life, how dare you... I want you REVOKED from the board.... there's no way this type of bahavior can be tolerated.....


Sorry Bacdorslider I guess Woody rubbed off on me at some point.  All in fun although its not a funny topic. 

Originally Posted by bacdorslider:

I agree something should be done about the guy, but when you start taking action against a person for what they said, not what they did , it's dangerous.... mob mentality.   And before everyone goes off on me,  my son-in-law is a minority.... and my best friend as well.


So the next time someone calls me a Mic,   I should get to be on TV spewing my case ?


What the guy said was not the worst I have heard

Unfortunately you will never profit from  the guy who calls you that name.


That is the reason of what he did that made is so bad.


He embarrassed the league, he embarrassed the people that work for him, the fans that made him rich and probably whatever family he has.


Did he have a first amendment right to say what he did in private, he can let the courts decide that, in the court of public opinion, which is very powerful, he screwed himself.


As a person that is of the same religion, I find him an embarrassment to our faith, as  I think he has to many of the jewish and non jewish franchise owners that employ those of many different faiths and ethnic backgrounds.


I actually feel badly for those that think he is getting a raw deal.

Originally Posted by shortnquick:
Originally Posted by bacdorslider:


So the next time someone calls me a Mic,   I should get to be on TV spewing my case ?


Oh my god, that's over the top, you have ruined my life, how dare you... I want you REVOKED from the board.... there's no way this type of bahavior can be tolerated.....


I agree it's not funny, and it is serious, but it just does not bother me if someone make light of my heritage. It's been this way since the Cro-magnon called the Neanderthals a name....

TPM, I don't think he is getting a raw deal, he will be fine, and has enough money to go and do whatever he wants.  I just do not like idea that in this country it is getting to the point that you cannot say anything without it offending someone..


Granted this guy is over the top and should be dealt with, but I just wonder what is next and where all this politcally correctness is going. 


My daughter is a special ed teacher,  she told me the other day I could not use a certain word any longer, and that I had to use a different word in describing her students.  I said ok, I'm sorry, I did not know that word was out and the new word was in.... I mean it used to be ok to say some words


Originally Posted by roothog66:
Originally Posted by infielddad:

Banned from the NBA for life and fined $2,500,000.

The NBA is certainly a group that can choose who they want in and who they want out. But, if I'm being banned for life, I'm certainly not paying the fine.

He's got no choice. It's enumerated in agreements between an individual owner and the NBA that this can happen. He can try to sue, which won't go anywhere, since it requires arbitration in those agreements, and there's not a leg for him to stand on in arbitration.

Originally Posted by bacdorslider:


My daughter is a special ed teacher,  she told me the other day I could not use a certain word any longer, and that I had to use a different word in describing her students.  I said ok, I'm sorry, I did not know that word was out and the new word was in.... I mean it used to be ok to say some words


Yup, there are a lot of things that are not acceptable anymore.

I don't see it as being politically correct but rather just correct.

We live in different times, people have rights, and yes they have rights to react when someone calls them things that they should not.

My opinion, the new younger owners have been trying to get rid of him for awhile, this just sealed the deal.

No one really wanted to continue to put up with an 81 year old jewish

bigot who has made millions off the people he speaks against.

Last edited by TPM
Originally Posted by Matt13:
Originally Posted by roothog66:
Originally Posted by infielddad:

Banned from the NBA for life and fined $2,500,000.

The NBA is certainly a group that can choose who they want in and who they want out. But, if I'm being banned for life, I'm certainly not paying the fine.

He's got no choice. It's enumerated in agreements between an individual owner and the NBA that this can happen. He can try to sue, which won't go anywhere, since it requires arbitration in those agreements, and there's not a leg for him to stand on in arbitration.

No, he wouldn't sue them. that would go nowhere. I'm saying he would probably refuse to pay the fine and let them come after him. It wouldn't be easy for them. His agreement with the league covered the possibility of fines, I'm sure. It's just legally a nightmare to both expell someone from a group and also collect a fine. For example, if you are in a union, you can be fined and you can be expelled. But, if they expel you, they also severe the legal bond that is the basis for their authority to fine you. Hopefully, the guy just disappears never agian to be heard from. Believe me, that's all the NBA really wants. they could probably care less if they ever get their $2.5 million.

Originally Posted by TPM:
Originally Posted by bacdorslider:


My daughter is a special ed teacher,  she told me the other day I could not use a certain word any longer, and that I had to use a different word in describing her students.  I said ok, I'm sorry, I did not know that word was out and the new word was in.... I mean it used to be ok to say some words


Yup, there are a lot of things that are not acceptable anymore.

I don't see it as being politically correct but rather just correct.

We live in different times, people have rights, and yes they have rights to react when someone calls them things that they should not.

My opinion, the new younger owners have been trying to get rid of him for awhile, this just sealed the deal.

No one really wanted to continue to put up with an 81 year old jewish

bigot who has made millions off the people he speaks against.

It's bad for business. The PR hit would be horrible if they ignored it. Freedom to associate works both ways. he certainly has the right to associate or not associate with whomever he pleases. In reality that's all he did was voice his opinion of who he wanted to associate with and voiced his preference of who he would like his girlfriend to associate with. He didn't use racial slurs or even say anything bad about African-Americans. certainly his rihgt. But, the other NBA owners also have the right to choose who they will and won't associate with and I think they have spoken pretty loudly.


I agree what he said wasn't anything earth-shattering. I think he actualy did us all a favor. He opened up the topic in a way that we can discuss race in a civil manner. If this had been based on some slur enhanced, hate-filled rant like we heard from Mel Gibson, emotions would be high. But, it wasn't. It wasn't a speech full of ignorant ideas and hate. It was racism without hatred. That's a type of racism we haven't really dealt with as a country before. The question of how we deal with relatively benign racism is before us. How do we show powerful people that you can be intolerant in this country, but it will cost you. It's a lesson not yet learned by Daniel Snyder or Dan Cathy. maybe it's time for those conversations as well.

Originally Posted by jp24:

First time I've ever been disappointed in a comment from you, PGStaff:


"Not to start into politics, but we do have an African American President.  Elected by the people!  Some seem to think he is a bad president.  I can live with that if the reason they think that way is because of something other than him being black." 


Glad to hear you can live with it, since it's as old as our nation.


"In some cases maybe the detractors have a legitimate reason for this hatred."


How about just legitimate reasons to philosophically, ideologically, financially and politically disagree? Why must it be hatred?


"However, in many cases I'm afraid that hatred is based on nothing more than his race."

Ugh. If you'd have said in FEW cases, yes. But beyond the pain and harm Sterling causes with his bigotry, his actions spawn comments like this, which reinforce lies, too.



I apologize if my comments bothered you. Definitely not my intent.  I do know that any mention of politics will create debate.  Probably shouldn't have used the word hate, either.


That said, I'm surprised you think there is very little hatred for our President. Some hate his policies, some just hate him for other reasons. Some people have hated our presidents before him.  To me, it seems fairly obvious that this exists.


I totally agree and even mentioned that those that disagree with him I understand. That is the point, there doesn't need to be any hatred. Yet, I firmly believe there is a lot of hatred! There are much more than just a few racists out there! To me, any racist is in fact a hater!


Whether people agree or disagree with our President is one thing. I for one, am very glad and proud that I live in a country where a minority can become the President.  I wouldn't mind seeing a woman become President, if she were qualified. It's something we should all feel good about IMO. As far as policy goes, whoever the president is he or she will have many people disagree with them.

People throw around the word hate to easily.  Just because you disagree with the president, doesn't mean you hate him.  Just because you disagree with gXy marriage doesn't mean you hate the people pushing it.  Peoples fuses are too short and they need to take a breath.  It used to be that we had leaders that would calm things down rather than escalate and divide....

Originally Posted by PGStaff:
Originally Posted by jp24:

First time I've ever been disappointed in a comment from you, PGStaff:


"Not to start into politics, but we do have an African American President.  Elected by the people!  Some seem to think he is a bad president.  I can live with that if the reason they think that way is because of something other than him being black." 


Glad to hear you can live with it, since it's as old as our nation.


"In some cases maybe the detractors have a legitimate reason for this hatred."


How about just legitimate reasons to philosophically, ideologically, financially and politically disagree? Why must it be hatred?


"However, in many cases I'm afraid that hatred is based on nothing more than his race."

Ugh. If you'd have said in FEW cases, yes. But beyond the pain and harm Sterling causes with his bigotry, his actions spawn comments like this, which reinforce lies, too.



I apologize if my comments bothered you. Definitely not my intent.  I do know that any mention of politics will create debate.  Probably shouldn't have used the word hate, either.


That said, I'm surprised you think there is very little hatred for our President. Some hate his policies, some just hate him for other reasons. Some people have hated our presidents before him.  To me, it seems fairly obvious that this exists.


I totally agree and even mentioned that those that disagree with him I understand. That is the point, there doesn't need to be any hatred. Yet, I firmly believe there is a lot of hatred! There are much more than just a few racists out there! To me, any racist is in fact a hater!


Whether people agree or disagree with our President is one thing. I for one, am very glad and proud that I live in a country where a minority can become the President.  I wouldn't mind seeing a woman become President, if she were qualified. It's something we should all feel good about IMO. As far as policy goes, whoever the president is he or she will have many people disagree with them.

Which brings up a good point. How do you react to those who can honestly say, "I don't hate Blacks. I have nothing against them. I'd just prefer my President to be white." That kind of attitude can be disarming. As a matter of fact, we have this same argument at home, only gender based. My wife (we are both Democrats) won't support Hillary Clinton solely because she's a woman. Drives me nuts, but how do I counter it?

Originally Posted by PGStaff:
Originally Posted by jp24:

First time I've ever been disappointed in a comment from you, PGStaff:


"Not to start into politics, but we do have an African American President.  Elected by the people!  Some seem to think he is a bad president.  I can live with that if the reason they think that way is because of something other than him being black." 


Glad to hear you can live with it, since it's as old as our nation.


"In some cases maybe the detractors have a legitimate reason for this hatred."


How about just legitimate reasons to philosophically, ideologically, financially and politically disagree? Why must it be hatred?


"However, in many cases I'm afraid that hatred is based on nothing more than his race."

Ugh. If you'd have said in FEW cases, yes. But beyond the pain and harm Sterling causes with his bigotry, his actions spawn comments like this, which reinforce lies, too.



I apologize if my comments bothered you. Definitely not my intent.  I do know that any mention of politics will create debate.  Probably shouldn't have used the word hate, either.


That said, I'm surprised you think there is very little hatred for our President. Some hate his policies, some just hate him for other reasons. Some people have hated our presidents before him.  To me, it seems fairly obvious that this exists.


I totally agree and even mentioned that those that disagree with him I understand. That is the point, there doesn't need to be any hatred. Yet, I firmly believe there is a lot of hatred! There are much more than just a few racists out there! To me, any racist is in fact a hater!


Whether people agree or disagree with our President is one thing. I for one, am very glad and proud that I live in a country where a minority can become the President.  I wouldn't mind seeing a woman become President, if she were qualified. It's something we should all feel good about IMO. As far as policy goes, whoever the president is he or she will have many people disagree with them.

It's all good, PG - but thank you for the apology. I likewise apologize for the tone of my response. In my book, your deposits far outweigh what I might consider a slight withdrawal


It's just a sensitive subject -- as politics always is -- and we can agree to disagree that there are a whole lot of people who hate the president. This is the nation that elected him, after all .... and in my experience, the vast majority of people who oppose him, oppose his policies -- which, it really cannot be argued -- cut across ideological lines.


Liberal-conservative ... capitalist-socialist ... ugh.


Honestly, for me, I love this website because when the discussion centers on left-right, it's about which side of the plate a hitter's on. And the escape from all that other crap is good for my soul.


Meanwhile, I'll go on record in support of the NBA sanctions on ole' man Sterling.

Here's my biggest issue with the lifetime ban... next time a player says anything of sort, does he too get banned? Suspended for a long period of time?


Seems like a harsh punishment, but that's what the commissioner has handed down. Now we shall wait to see who the next member of the NBA is also banned for similar comments...

Originally Posted by Bulldog 19:

Here's my biggest issue with the lifetime ban... next time a player says anything of sort, does he too get banned? Suspended for a long period of time?


Seems like a harsh punishment, but that's what the commissioner has handed down. Now we shall wait to see who the next member of the NBA is also banned for similar comments...

Well, we know that the penalty for physically attacking and choking your coach is 68 games (Latrell Sprewell, Golden State 1997).  Clearly it's better to attack your coach ... guess that was your point, huh Bulldog?

The timing of this event may have been poor for Sterling. Silver has only been commissioner for three months. This ruling was making a statement on his being in charge. Had this happened a year from now the penalty may not have been so harsh.


I read today since the Clippers TV contract is up for negotiation soon Sterling may get a billion selling the team. But he doesn't need the money. What he lost was his celebrity status as a pro franchise owner (even if his celebrity has always been being a clown).


Laker ownership can't be happy with the events. A competent owner could create a real battle for the hearts and souls of basketball fans in a major media market. In fact, it was Jerry Buss who brought Sterling into the NBA as an owner.

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