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On my way into work this morning, I was listening to Mike & Mike of ESPN radio and they played some sound bites of Kenny Williams just tearing into Big Frank. Sounds like they are not shedding any tears about seeing him go.

Curious if he was viewed by the fans as being a selfish, whining and egotistical player as it appears the GM and owner felt he was.
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Agree with you, Sox.

KW was a professional "hamburger" as a player.

So what if they did so much for Frank? They should...He carried them and their fans for 10-11 seasons.

As far as I'm concerned, KW exhibited NO CLASS when he launched on a former player that way.

What the "hell" will the White Sox do when Frank gets in the Hall of Fame?

Bush league. KW should know better. He's an executive.

Reinsdorf didn't do any more for Frank that he wouldn't do for someone in the Bulls organization and the Sox organization.

Reinsdorf equals class.

For what KW did to Frank...equals NO CLASS.

Shame on you, Kenny. You're an executive and you should stay out of the "media fray". They suckered you right into it.
The little bit that I saw on the news addressed Frank whining about "respect" ... to which Ken Williams pointed out letting him throw out the first pitch (and be acknowledged by everyone) as well as giving him an opportunity to speak at the parade (and get more love and acknowledgment).
This goes back to last year when Frank wouldn't take the club's calls early in the season (before spring training?), then turned around later in the year and complained that the organization didn't contact him about their plans.

Without a manual, I don't know how many GM's could carry their players' jocks ....
The problem is that Kenny Williams couldn't carry Big Frank's jockstrap as a player and he resented him for it. Ever since Kenny became GM, he has given it to Frank whenever he could.

Frank may be the greatest hitter in the history of the White Sox....maybe the only non-Cub Chicago Player to earn his way to the Hall of Fame with his bat....(Fisk doesn't count...his best years were as a Bosox and longevity got him in anyway) and Kenny should have kept his mouth shut. Frank is unfortunately just like many of his first, but if Kenny kept his mouth shut Frank talking would have been forgotten about by those few who were listening. Of course the media loved the whole thing.
Last edited by FastballDad
I'd like to add my 2 cents. First of all, I must be the only person in this city that doesn't like KW, or his ongoing holier than thou attitude (straight out of Stanford)and arrogance. I was a Danny Evans fan. However, that being said, this is a different era. Who cares what kind of player KW was? Why is that important? What kind of player was Billy Beane (a big bust)? What kind of player was Theo Epstein? The GM's of today are more business oriented, and what they did as a player is not a factor in how they perform as a GM.

I also understand KW's frustration with the latest rantings from Big Frank, and if anyone doesn't understand just how much the Sox and Chairman Reinsdorf did for Frank behind the scenes, they must have blinders on. While the political correctness of the day would suggest that KW stay above the fray, he seemingly reached a point where he just couldn't contain himself any longer. The Sox organization seems to condone these outbursts and, as in the case of Ozzie, simply state that it is "Ozzie being Ozzie". You reap what you sew.
Last edited by itsrosy
Frank Thomas was a great hitter. He is also a jerk. Many players are. I like it when they get called on it. In the past Reinsdorf got bad press for how he released Fisk. I think Fisk was a jerk for pressuring the organization to play him after he could no longer play so he could get the record for most games caught. He could have gone out with class. It is all perception and spin. But, Frank has always been an ungrateful player. Remember, Reinsdorf also got bad press for not SAYING the wrong thing while he handed Jordan a check for 33 million. Players put money in owners pockets and vice versa. Some don't get it. If they get called out in the media, so be it. It goes both ways.

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