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The recruiting process can be fun, exciting, depressing, nerve racking, pretty much a roller coaster ride. It can mirror many people's HS baseball experience. Instead of enjoying the games, watching your son and the kids he has grown up with compete at the game they love it ends up being something very different. A time of worry. Worrying about scouts, college coaches, playing time, positions played, batting orders, fielding percentages, batting avgs, era's, all conference honors, etc etc.

So what happens when the HS days are over and you have spent those 4 years worrying about all of the above? You are sitting there one day saying to yourself "If I had it to do all over again I would have enjoyed it. I would have let all of that stuff go that really didn't matter and simply enjoyed those four years. I would do anything to go back and simply enjoyed watching those boys play the game." The problem is you can't go back. You don't get a do over in this thing.

The recruiting process is the same way folks. Instead of simply being thrilled that your son is good enough for someone, anyone, to want them your worried about when so and so is going to call and offer. Your worried about that big time D1 school making that call. Your worried about the right fit for him. Your worried about why so and so hasn't called and they called Johnny and your son is better as Johnny or just as good. Your worried that he is going to miss out. And on and on it goes. Let me set the record straight on all of this.

If they want your son you will know it. They will make it clear they want him. They will contact you. You will not have to chase them down and worry them into an offer. Do you want to go on a date with a girl that you have to beg to go with you? Or do you want to be with a girl that can't wait to see you?

Relax. Enjoy the entire process. Don't let B ruin A. Don't miss out on something you can't get back. Go where you are wanted as bad as you want to be there. And you will know. Put yourself out there in front of those coaches and see what they think. And date the girls that want to date you. And forget about the ones that don't.

Many times we want something so bad we hear what we want to hear instead of what's actually being said. We see what we want to see instead of what is actually in front of our eyes. So slow down and take your emotions out of it. Enjoy where you are and take it all in. Your son will find his place. Because they will date him if they want him. And if no one is dating him or will date him then crash the party as a walk on and see if you can earn their love. Either way your going to have to earn their love once your on the date.

I hope this makes sense. I bet it does to those who can't go back. Hopefully it will to those who still have time.
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This is a great post Coach and spot on!

For my son, he really wasn't on anyone's radar until his junior year, so we went through half of his high school career blissfully unaware of what the recruiting process was all about! LOL!
When it did start, my husband stressed some, but I tried to provide the calm. It was a good balance. Yes, there were a few disappointments when the interest from some colleges wasn't there as much as my son had hoped, but hey, that's life! Overall, he actually enjoyed the recruiting process. It was exciting to know that several colleges were even somewhat interested!
As far as I know, he is happy where he is (he's a freshman at a D1)and very content with his decision.
We're happy too. So now, we will just sit back and enjoy. It is time for him to take care of the rest!
Coach May,

Terrific post. Truly, I believe a lot of folks get anxious because they come to the realization that this is not entirely under their control and there is a lot they don't know about the recruiting process....that leads to panic.

We certainly went through it until we figured out that it was best to lead with what makes our son unique. For us, that changed everything....then he could pick the programs (or girls in your example) that were most interested in him. It was always crystal clear to us who was interested, who was "hedging", and who was not interested.
Originally posted by fenwaysouth:
Coach May,

Terrific post. Truly, I believe a lot of folks get anxious because they come to the realization that this is not entirely under their control and there is a lot they don't know about the recruiting process....that leads to panic.

I am in agreement that they don't know about the recruiting process and how it works. Sometimes the player gives indication he wants to play at a particular program or type. They got a letter, filled out an application and never heard anything, or maybe they called once the week of July 1.

People have to understand that coaches recruit players not the other way around, unless of course you are one of the top prospects who has the luxury of lots of attention.

Pay attention to what Coach May has posted, you WILL know when they are interested.

The date analogy is priceless!

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