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H&U ...I am still laughing about your comment "can't believe everything you hear unless it comes from somebody as honest and unbiased as me". cutelaugh

The key word you use is "LUCKY"...Your coach blew it last year in the playoffs... can we get the same result back to back? I am waiting for the swami's predictions.

The summer will be fun and glad to have you a part of the team this year even though we should not have added anyone. I guess I could call KD or PD for his stats!! bye

See you next week H&U because you will be crying I will bring the tissues for you.
Train, you might make the argument that the summer group was a great team without the late summer additions -- and they were. But when adding two kids with amazing STATS Smile, they should only be better in 2006. Of course, playing in the older age group will introduce more than a handful of challenges. The two "new" players (TS and JS) both carry lofty batting averages into the playoffs. Hmmm, what will happen to the kids that played those positions last year? Log-jam?


Go DBAT! Big Grin
There is a healthy rivalry between DBAT and the Tigers and Mustangs and Marshals....etc. But the real showdowns occur between groups of kids that have competed against each other for many years --- regardless of the affiliation. It may change from year to year, based on the age groups. I included "Go DBAT" in my post because my son is a part of the evil-DBAT empire Smile We are a year "behind" the Linty Tigers.

Last year, it was Tigers/DBAT/Dodgers in 16U. Some of the Dodgers became a Mustang team. The 17 yr old age group (18U really) will be strong in 2006....along with the 18 year olds.
Originally posted by Train:
H&U FM should be happy he is eligible.

I do not agree with you about "pretty much a BS action from the Umpire" anytime a kid gets tossed from an umpire its not the umps fault.

I was not there but of course the story continues to grow about how he was tossed. Next I will read he threw a bat at the ump!! Clear it up and let us know what happened if you don't mind.

Regarding the ejection of this player I would like to share an observation. I have known this player for a number of years and it is very uncharacteristic of him to challenge an umpire's strike zone; in my opinion he has a pretty good eye at the plate. I was not there and like many of you heard he was ejected by the base umpire. If that is correct then I say WOW!!! Now here is my observation; with an 8-1 score at the time could the pitch have been so far outside the plate umpire knew it was not in the zone and that is why he did not eject the player because he was embrassed for calling the strike?
Last edited by indugu
I wasn't going to comment on this incident -- but I do have a reaction to indugu's post. I have no intention of fueling any controversy here -- I have great respect for this kid and his family. I think he is the district MVP (without question) -- and should probably make the All-Area team. Those of us that know him will not change our opinions based on a single incident, but I do not agree that we should dog-pile an umpire for taking the action he did. No matter what the player did to get ejected, it was wrong. He could have hurt his team -- and he's better than that. I think the kid is great -- and I'd have him on my team anytime -- but I hope this incident serves as a lesson learned. A highly touted pitcher from Irving was ejected earlier this year for inappropriate behavior. I think young players look to these guys to see how they react in certain situations -- in these cases, the guys set bad examples. Terrible? No! -- simple mistakes IMO. Regardless of the circumstance and which ump did what -- a team's leader needs to stay in the game.

I have made so many "reaction" mistakes as a dad over the years -- high school ball, summer ball, etc. --- including ejections -- I've done a lot of stupid stuff when it comes to arguing with umps (more than I like to admit). But age has helped me mellow a bit. I hold my son to a high standard --- and he too has a long way to go. I imagine H&U feels the same way.

Again ---> JMO.

PD....great post. Did you and H&U break up? haha Roll Eyes

Indugu has a great point as well. The first base umpire should never have made that call. I am surprised the FM head coach did not argue or get tossed himself. It may have made FM stronger without him (the coach).

Maybe the umpire wanted to get home to watch playoff basketball!
Originally posted by Train:
PD....great post. Did you and H&U break up? haha Roll Eyes

Indugu has a great point as well. The first base umpire should never have made that call. I am surprised the FM head coach did not argue or get tossed himself. It may have made FM stronger without him (the coach).

Maybe the umpire wanted to get home to watch playoff basketball!

Again Choo Choo attacks the FM coach but has yet to reveal why? Why is this coach an irritant to you Choo Choo? A year has passed and from your previous shots at FM and the coach you should be elated that they were eliminated yet you seem to harbor such anger and contempt. Did you incur a huge gambling debt betting on a "sure bet"? This is free help for you. Please...enlighten all of us....we are here to help! Confused

IMO - I was at the game so the following is "first hand" information. The player did not display outwardly anything to to get the attention of the home plate umpire who was standing two feet from him. However, the base umpire stnding 110 feet from the plate had just dressed down some FM students along the fence in right field. He requeseted them to settle down and knock the heckling directed toward the Marcus first baseman. applaude

As kids are kids, they then directed the heckling toward the umpire for the next two batters. The second batter was the player the umpire ejected and the third out of the top half. After the ejection the umpire walked back own the right field line looked over at the students and smiled.
Last edited by UpnIn
What is missing from all of these posts is the fact that any game between these 2 schools is always a game that the umpires are willing/ready/able and sometimes they have to take control of.

Not because of any major problems that have occured, it is just that these 2 schools, no matter what the sport, have a strong, strong, intense rivalery that extends from the coaches to the players to the parents to the fans. The umpires/refs know in advance what to expect and they are expected to take control in what ever manner they see fit and this ensures that the game is played between the lines with as little controversy as possible. Sometimes this works out well and sometimes..............

If you have ever been to one of these match-ups then know how intense they are no matter what the teams records are, no matter what is on the line, it is just crazy and crazy things happen.....

The umpires need and should make the calls based on what they see is right at the time and based on all the information they have at the time and leading up to the game. Sometimes we don't always know why the call was made because we aren't the eyes/ears on the field but the umpire makes the decision, they are paid to make that decision and whether we like it or not we have to live by the decision.

Whether this player or any player that has/was ejected is a good kid with a great family with a 4.0 GPA that really doesn't matter in the decision to eject or not eject. What does matter is if a player is ejected that we then change our view of this player based on this 1 situation. We don't walk in their shoes, we don't know what happened to the player at the bat or play before we just know what he did at that given point.

Now.......if it is a player with a history of these type of acts,,,,,,,then that is a different story and I would say it should be noted and maybe a pow wow needs to happen with this player and his coach and his parents.

Train: I agree w/UpnIn, what is your issue with the FM coach/team.? are sounding more and more like someone that is more closely tied to FM than to Coppell....maybe you are a player that got cut when the coaching change was made? Or didn't get moved up when you thought you is just sounding like a broken record or sour grapes......If you are from Coppell, why not put your energy and focus on your own program and let the FM players and team focus on their program.
Last edited by oldbat-never
Originally posted by oldbat-never:
The umpires/refs know in advance what to expect and they are expected to take control in what ever manner they see fit and this ensures that the game is played between the lines with as little controversy as possible.

Yes, I've been to FMHS, Marcus games. However, I have umpired H.S. games (long ago - and baskeball too) and my schooling and experience was that the worst thing an umpire could do was respond to fans, show emotion, etc. Once they know you are listening it only gets worse. It is also not fair to penalize the players for what the fans are saying. The ump should go to the coach and make his requests for fan control there.

The emphasis on expected was meant more for us fans and for the players to remember that to expect that it might be on a more hightened level during these games, what might have been a warning in another game might be an ejection in this game just to make sure that everyone gets the point that the umps are in control of what goes on the field.

And again, that the game is played between the lines.
Last edited by oldbat-never
UPNIN and I am not in debt to anyone unless I pay OBN for last night Big Grin

IMO...the FM coach is clueless. I love when some of you come to his rescue like OBN who one would believe hates FM because they ALWAYS beat Marcus for the district title or playoffs. I am NOT going to start this whole thing all over with the FM coach. Like I said it before...he will blow it again and then you will hear from me sooner than later. At least their season ends next week if not tonight.

UPNIN and I quote "As kids are kids, they then directed the heckling toward the umpire for the next two batters. The second batter was the player the umpire ejected and the third out of the top half. After the ejection the umpire walked back own the right field line looked over at the students and smiled"
Did he **** as well UPNIN you seem to have all the facts.

When you have TALENT and a bad coach who does not know the game you have an early exit from the playoffs.

Regarding our program our season record was not too impressive. Its much easier to pick on our neighbors because everything is taken so personally in FM. Its just a game have FUN WITH IT.
Hey, I think I can take jokes,ribbing, but ones about
-Being nothing more than a MAID
-Getting paid for services.........

those I just don't find the humor......and most of us nonmale posters on this site find them offensive and even some of our male posters will come to bat on that one....

Also, there is one thing to be joked to by someone you personally know i.e. Keller Dad or Panther Dad, but you see I don't know you, I don't know what you are all about, so I have to read it for what it is and maybe it isn't the way you meant it.

It is just a game,,,,,,,,,,and I think we all, myself included get caught up in all the hype/emotion/disappointment that the season can bring to us.........and it comes out on the keyboard. I am sorry.

Sooooooooo How about this Train:

1. Let it go w/FM... Heck if anyone should be on here bashing them it should be me, after all they keep beating us! Frown

2. No more jokes on the above mentioned items, heck they pay a lot more than I get being a mom so don't tempt me (see I can make a joke)....... Big Grin

How is that? Back on really do have some good things to post and we all need both sides and different sides to make this a more interesting place......
Last edited by oldbat-never

Truce is a good thing, but just be carefully on the comments//////

Actually, this is almost as fun as the "who shot JR" summer..........seriously I get several PM's asking me if I know who you are...........

In fact the other night at the FM/Marcus game I was with Catchallmom when we saw a guy, with a Coppell Cowboys hat on and I said "Hey you.... are you Train" that was embarrasing.....wasn't you, or was it?????
Last edited by oldbat-never
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Train:
UPNIN and I am not in debt to anyone unless I pay OBN for last night Big Grin

IMO...the FM coach is clueless. I love when some of you come to his rescue like OBN who one would believe hates FM because they ALWAYS beat Marcus for the district title or playoffs. I am NOT going to start this whole thing all over with the FM coach. Like I said it before...he will blow it again and then you will hear from me sooner than later. At least their season ends next week if not tonight.

UPNIN and I quote "As kids are kids, they then directed the heckling toward the umpire for the next two batters. The second batter was the player the umpire ejected and the third out of the top half. After the ejection the umpire walked back own the right field line looked over at the students and smiled"
Did he **** as well UPNIN you seem to have all the facts. QUOTE]

All in bad form and I will come to the rescue of anyone who is being attacked or abused. Chivalry does still exist come into play for some. The insuations need to cease. Insults need to cease. BTW - Don't remembering anyone questioning the record of CHS. IMO_ The umpire only smiled. As you said I had all the facts. Hopefully in you case the "nut fell far away from the tree"!
Train, you have been out of line with those type remarks for some time now. Just because OBN has shown great restraint you should not continue with your one track mind.

Grow up & act with some maturity.

Why moderators delete some of the posts they do, and then leave this type insulting trash on the board I will never know.
Last edited by Texan

Gosh no, we are not on the same summer team, at least I don't think so Eek... if Train and H&U are on the same team then for sure we are not.....
I guess I better look at our roster again.....I don't remember seeing any players listed from Coppell oh and I better check for FMHS. Wink since I am still not sure what school he is from.

And to all those that have posted on these tat to tat w/Train: there are a lot of folks out there that know me and there are 2 sides to me for sure,,,,,,,I am trying my best to keep the good side on the board for the sake of the board, my reputation and my son's reputation....because this summer and next year are sooooo important to him.....

but don't get me started ask Catchallmom and KD and others that have known me for years, I haven't been around this sport as long as I have without pi--ing a few folks off sooooooooo there might come a day..... that I will just have had just isn't today. Smile
Last edited by oldbat-never

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